






bytedance uses its ssp platform differently from most companies. the company’s product teams or units don’t control their own operating resources. instead, many common business, technology, and operating functions (among them hr and legal) are centralized and organized into corresponding teams.?




the teams are highly specialized, so that the right people can be found and flexibly deployed as needed to each new venture. cloud and shared operational tools, some of which have been developed in house, allow bytedance to maintain this seemingly complex organizational setup. product and related teams still focus on serving customer needs, but they rely on different ssp teams to accelerate development and growth.?




for example, when bytedance tasks a new venture team with investigating user needs and market opportunities, the team can go to the user-research specialists at the ssp for data support, saving time on market analysis. in other companies, these tasks are undertaken by the product team, which is rarely

best equipped for such information gathering. subsequently, when a use case has been identified that justifies developing a new app or product feature, the product team is paired with engineers at the ssp level to develop the new product or feature.




in some cases, product teams customize existing technologies that have already been developed by the ssp. algorithms are a case in point. product teams at bytedance work with ssp algorithm engineers to fine-tune their enormously powerful recommendation engines. the ssp has also brought together other important teams: user-growth teams, which help identify and acquire desired users; content teams, which establish partnerships to acquire new content; analytics teams, which help to develop deeper user insights; and sales teams, which drive monetization.


在一些情况下,产品团队客制化调整共享服务已经开发的技术。算法就是一个很好的例子。字节跳动的产品团队与共享服务算法工程师合作,对其强大的推荐引擎进行微调。共享服务还召集了其他重要的团队:用户增长团队, 助识别和获取目标用户;内容团队,建立合作关系获取新内容;分析团队, 助开发更深入的用户想法;以及推动盈利的销售团队。


as expected, because so many capabilities have been centralized into this large ssp, the actual product teams tend to be small and focused, especially in the exploration stage. douyin, for example, began with just a handful of employees, and the education team began with just two. importantly, the relationship between the ssp and market-facing teams is symbiotic and mutually beneficial. it’s this virtuous loop of continued discovery and improvement that has enabled bytedance’s success.




本文节选自:harvard business review(哈佛商业评论)


作者:roger chen

原文标题:how bytedance became the world’s most valuable startup





英 [?vent??(r)]美 [?vent??r]



英 [?k?st?ma?z]美 [?k?st?ma?z]



n. 货币化;确定法定硬币值


英 [?v??t?u?s]美 [?v??rt?u?s]
adj.善良的;品行端正的;品德高的; 德的;自命不凡的;自命清高的




1.rely on ?? 依靠;信赖

2.fall over ???跌倒,摔倒;绊了一跤




as expected, because so many capabilities have been centralized into this large ssp, the actual product teams tend to be small and focused, especially in the exploration stage.

结构:as expected, sb. tend to do sth.


例句:as expected, she tends to choose another team.????????
