

35. At the same time, the American Law Institute–a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight-issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones. “

At the same time, the American Law Institute…issued new guidelines for tort law stating that…

“at the same time”是状语成分,破折号内的成分是补充说明“the American Law Institute”,实际上如果没有破折号,而用逗号分开就是句子的同位语成分。“tort law stating that…”这是宾语从句,后面的内容是“tort law”的内容。


“tort law”指“民事侵权法”,academics 是指“学者”。

36.The examples of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon.com, and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers.

The examples of…show that …with the right mix of…

本句为简单句,但包含了不少并列的列举成分,阅读的时候要注意适当地跳跃。“with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will..”是状语结构,修饰的是“a Website selling the right kind of products”,是对后者的补充说明。


Virtual Vineyards 和Amazon.com 以及其他开拓者的例子表明:销售对路产品的网站,加上互相合作、礼貌周到、安全可靠这几方面恰倒好处地结合起来,同样地也能吸引顾客。


“with the right mix


