
复试在即,大家学习的怎么样了?笔试的部分,大家已经在初试实战过了,但是面试部分对于很多同学还是陌生的。在复试中大家最头疼的莫过于英语问答,今天为各位同学带来了一些常见的英语复试问题,希望能对大家有所 助。
why do you apply for our school?
thanks for your question. i choose to apply for our school for the following reasons.

first of all, our school has a strong learning atmosphere and strong competitiveness in this field.

secondly, there are many excellent professional teachers in our school, where i can get more professional guidance.

thirdly, i like the cultural atmosphere of our school very much. because of these three reasons, our school is my best choice.


why do you want to take the postgraduate entrance exam?
the postgraduate entrance examination is my decision made after careful consideration.

first of all, i have a strong interest in this major, but the knowledge i learned in undergraduate study is basic and not comprehensive.

secondly, my major is of great practical significance in real life, so i want to have a deeper understanding of this field and have a broader vision.
thirdly, in the future career planning, i want to continue to engage in the work of my major, so i want to improve my competitiveness in the work place through further study. that’s why i took the postgraduate examination.


what’s your hobby/ interest/ personality/ character?
thanks for your questions. i am a cheerful/ outgoing girl, so i like to travel with my friends in my free time.
first of all, in this way, we can strengthen communication and share happiness.

second, in this process, i can get in touch with new things and get more life experience. during the holidays, i often go to different places with my good friends to enjoy the beautiful rivers and mountains of our motherland.

finally, traveling can make me more energetic to devote myself to my new study and work.


what do you think is the difference between undergraduate and graduate studies?
firstly,in my opinion, the fundamental difference between undergraduate and postgraduate study lies in the way o obtaining knowledge.undergraduate students get
knowledge mainly through the textbooks and the lectures of teachers ,while postgraduates’ main resource of knowledge is doing research.they expand their study fields through massive documents and experiments,in order to create new achievement.


what kind of job will you do after you graduate and why?
well,i want to be a college teacher. firstly,teaching is learning.to make my lectures more constructive and simulating,i have to read more books, and gain deeper insight into the world

secondly,teaching means freedom and independence.as a teacher,i’m free to use my own idea and make my own decisions.l’ll have plenty of time to do my own research. what’s more, the working environment in a university is pure and the academic atmosphere is strong, l yearn for this job.


what are your strengths?
thanks for your questions. i think my greatest strength is that i work hard. i will try my best to do everything well. in this process, i will learn a lot and broaden my horizons.

during the undergraduate period, i will thoroughly understand every knowledge point and put what i learn into practice during the study of professional theoretical courses.

in a word, every time i successfully complete a task, i will feel a great sense of achievement and get great happiness.



what are your disadvantages?
thank you for your questions. in my opinion, my biggest weakness is that i can’t refuse others, and i will always say yes to others’ needs.

but sometimes, these requirements will bring a lot of trouble and inconvenience to my own life or study.
for example, if some students did not finish their homework on time, they would directly refer to the content i had finished. i knew it was wrong, but i felt embarrassed to refuse.

since i became aware of this problem, i have been constantly trying to change and help others as much as i can reasonably afford.

感谢老师的提问。我认为我最大的缺点是不会拒绝别人,对于其他人提出的需要,我都会答应。但在有些时候,这些要求会对我自己的生活或者学习带来许多麻烦和不便。比如有的同学作业没有按时完成,他们会直接借鉴我已经完成的内容,我知道这样的做法是错误的,但是却不好意思拒绝。当我意识到这个问题之后,一直在不断地尝试改变,尽可能在合理的能力范围内给他人提供 助。

please introduce your hometown?
thanks for your question.my hometown is xx,a young city in xx province. it is a famous city with a long history over xx years.the city lies in the eastern part of the province.many celebrities(景点) were born here,for instance,xx,xx and xx.in addition,it is famous for xx.each year many people come here for tour and investment .so l believe that with the joint efforts of every person,a better future of xx is coming.

谢谢您的问题。我的家乡是xx,在xx省的一座年轻的城市。它是一座有着xx多年悠久历史的著名城市。这个城市位于该省的东部。许多名人(景点)出生在这里,例如xx, xx和xx。此外,它以xx闻名。每年都有很多人来这里旅游和投资,所以我相信在大家的共同努力下,xx的未来会更美好。

①excuse me. i can’t quite follow you.would you please say it again.
②excuse me, could you please repeat what you have just said?
③i beg your pardon?

①it’s kind of like…
②well, what i was telling to say is…
③i mean…/what i mean is…
④honestly speaking

① i think you have raised a very interesting question. but it can’t be answered in a few words. in order to…, i’d like to…
② i really like to answer your question. but because of the limitation of time, i have to cut it short that…
③well, perhaps i can answer your question by briefly repeating my main opinion that…

好啦,以上就是英语口语复试的宝贵经验,同学们可以借鉴学习一下,还没有复试的同学,一定要充分利用这几天的时间,不羡他人,不输自己! 期待大家的好消息!
扫码关注 “重师学工”
○素材整理|吕诗渊 李荣钰 张丽滨
○执行编辑|辛博 唐艺珊 邓燕 李荣钰
