
?密? ·? 封? ·? 线? ·? 内? ·? 禁??·? 止? ·? 答? ·? 题

text 1
people often complain that plast

ics are too durable. water bottles, shopping bags, and other trash litter the planet, from mount everest to the mariana trench, because plastics are everywhere and don out additives. they melt into sludge. all of which creates huge headaches for institutions, such as museums, trying to preserve culturally important objects. the variety of plastic objects at risk is dizzying: early radios, avant-garde sculptures, celluloid animation sills from disney films, the first artificial heart.
certain artifacts are especially vulnerable because some pioneers in plastic art didnt always know how to mix ingredients properly, says thea van oosten, a polymer chemist who, until retiring a few years ago, worked for decades at the cultural heritage agency of the netherlands.
and sometimes, it—large rectangles decorated with foam pumpkins, cabbages, and watermelons. he wanted viewers to walk around on the carpets—which meant they had to be durable.
unfortunately, the polyurethane foam he used is inherently unstable. its pumpkins, roses, and other figures were silting and crumbling. museums locked some of them away in the dark.
so van oosten and her colleagues worked to preserve gilardi because their goal was to prevent further light damage and rebuild worn polymer fibers. she is proud that several sculptures have even gone on display again, albeit sometimes beneath protective cases.
despite success stories like van oostens, preservation of plastics will likely get harder. old objects continue to deteriorate. worse, biodegradable plastics designed to disintegrate, are increasingly common.
and more is at stake here than individual objects. joana lia ferreira, an assistant professor of conservation and restoration at the nova school of science and technology, notes that archaeologists first defined the great material ages of human history—stone age, iron age, and so on—after examining artifacts in museums. we now live in an age of plastic, she says,

21. according to paragraph 1, museums are faced with difficulties in __________.
[a] maintaining their plastic items
[b] obtaining durable plastic artifacts
[c] handling outdated plastic exhibits
[d] classifying their plastic collections

22. van oosten believes that certain plastic objects are __________.
[a] immune to decay
[b] improperly shaped
[c] inherently flawed
[d] complex in structure

23. museums stopped exhibiting some of gilardis artworks to __________.
[a] keep them from hurting visitors
[b] duplicate them for future display
[c] have their?ingredients analyzed
[d] prevent them from further damage

24. the author thinks that preservation of plastics is __________.
[a] costly
[b] unworthy
[c] unpopular
[d] challenging

25. in frreiras opinion, preservation of plastic artifacts __________.
[a] will inspire future scientific research
[b] has profound historical significance
[c] will help us separate the material ages
[d] has an impact on todays cultural life

?密??·??封? ·??线??·??内??·??禁??·??止??·??答??·??题
“某些特殊工艺品尤其脆弱,因为有些塑料艺术的先驱者并未完全掌握如何正确地混合各种成分。”曾在荷兰文化遗产署(rce)工作了几十年的聚合物化学家西娅·范·欧斯汀(thea van oosten)说,“这就像烤蛋糕:如果没有精准的配比,就会出错。” 她说,“那些艺术品已经成为定时炸弹。”
但有些情况下,也不是艺术家的错。上世纪60年代,意大利艺术家皮耶罗·吉拉迪(piero gilardi)创作了数百件色彩鲜艳的泡沫艺术品。包括玫瑰花床和小道具以及几十块“天然地毯”——用泡沫南瓜、卷心菜和西瓜装饰的大泡沫板。他希望观众在地毯上能来回走动,这就意味着材料必须非常耐用。
而且,其中的利害关系不仅仅针对单个物品。诺瓦科技学院负责保护与修复的助理教授乔安娜·莉亚·费雷拉(joana lia ferreira)指出,考古学家在检查了博物馆中的文物后,首次定义了人类历史上伟大的物质时代——石器时代、铁器时代等。我们现在生活在一个塑料时代,她说,“我们今天决定收集的,决定保存的……将对我们未来的形象有很大影响。”
21. according to paragraph 1, museums are faced with difficulties in __________.
[a] maintaining their plastic items
[b] obtaining durable plastic artifacts
[c] handling outdated plastic exhibits
[d] classifying their plastic collections
分析:本题中,首先根据题干的paragraph 1定位到文章的第一段,之后根据题干的museums找到“all of which creates huge headaches for institutions, such as museums, trying to preserve culturally important objects”,其中preserve对应a选项的maintain,根据相应句意可知,a选项符合题意。
22. van oosten believes that certain plastic objects are __________.
[a] immune to decay
[b] improperly shaped
[c] inherently flawed
[d] complex in structure
分析:根据本题题干可定位第二段首句“certain artifacts are especially vulnerable because some pioneers in plastic art didnt always know how to mix ingredients properly”,其中并未提到形状及结构上的特点,因此b、d与题意不符。而a选项意为不易腐朽的,与目标句中的vulnerable相反,因此a选项与题意不符。c选项的flawed意为有缺点的,即原文中提到的vulnerable。因此,本题选c。
23. museums stopped exhibiting some of gilardis artworks to __________.
[a] keep them from hurting visitors
[b] duplicate them for future display
[c] have their ingredients analyzed
[d] prevent them from further damage
分析:本题可定位到第四、五段。第四段的末句“museums locked some of them away in the dark”与题干相对应,因此按逻辑来讲,下一段便是这样做的原因。通过快速阅读第五段,很快便可以用排除法选出正确答案,a选项中的visitor(游客)、b选项中的duplicate(复制)及c选项中的ingredients analyzed(成分分析)在第五段中都未提及。而根据本段首句中的“preserve gilardis sculptures”及第三句中的“because their goal was to prevent further light damage”,也可推断出d选项符合题意。
24. the author thinks that preservation of plastics is __________.
[a] costly
[b] unworthy
[c] unpopular
[d] challenging
分析:本题是典型的把握作者观点、态度的题型。首先要看懂选项,costly意为“昂贵的、代价高的”,unworthy意为“不值得的”,unpopular意为“不受欢迎的、不流行的”,challenging意为“充满挑战的”。如果屏幕前的小伙伴们已经通过阅读掌握原文之意,就能很轻松地选出正确答案d。保险起见,也可以通过文中的蛛丝马迹推断出作者对塑料制品的保存持何种态度,例如首段中“all of which creates huge headaches for institutions, such as museums, trying to preserve culturally important objects.”,以及倒数第二段中的“harder、worse”等。
25. in frreiras opinion, preservation of plastic artifacts __________.
[a] will inspire future scientific research
[b] has profound historical significance
[c] will help us separate the material ages
[d] has an impact on todays cultural life
分析:本题根据题干中的“frreiras opinion”,可定位到原文末段。掌握段意后逐一分析四个选项,frreira的观点中并未体现a选项,原文中关于c选项的material ages强调的是define,末段末句强调的是future而非d选项中的today,因此选择b。本段中的“archaeologists first defined the great material ages of human history”及“will have a strong impact on how in the future well be seen”,属于b选项中的historical significance,也可推断出正确选项。

1.???? 快速抓取题干要点,准确在原文中定位
2.???? 理解原文及选项中的关键词含义,也就是老生常谈的词汇量
3.???? 不需要花费大量时间精读,会解题即可,提高阅读速度
