
1. we are writing to inform you that l/c no. 101 ____ our order no.555 has been opened with the bank of china. ?
??????????????????????a. under ?????????????????b. covering ????
??????????????????????c. covered ???????????????d. of
2. ( ??) an order for over 500 pieces we would allow a special discount of 5 %.
??????????????????????a. in case ?????????????b. in case that
??????????????????????c. in the ease ??????????d. in case of
3. we look forward to ______ the goods in the fourth quarter. ?
a. the delivery of ?????????????????????b. your delivery
c. deliver ?????????????????????????????d. delivery
4. we are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied ______ stock. ?????????a. upon ??b. out ??c. in ??d. from ?
5. we are pleased to say that we are ______ to supply you ______ the goods you want. a. of a position, for ???b. at a position, for
?c. in a position, with d. at a position, with
6. one of our clients is ______ the market ______ men’s shirts. a. on, of b. at, with c. in, for d. with, at
8. the?two?firms?agreed?to?______?a?joint?venture?in?china.?a.?embark?on?b.?intend?c.?engage?d.?enter?into?
9. this?agreement?may?be?______?6?months?before?its?expiry.?a.?renewed?b.?prolonged?c.?expanded?d.?postponed
10. an?exporter?cannot?receive?payment?until?the?goods?on?consignment
b.?arrive?at?destination? d.?have?been?sold?
12. the purpose of this ad campaign is to _ the prospective customers’ interest in this lat

est model of ours. a. appeal b. encourage c. arouse d. attract
13. it was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it ________ as well as we had expected.
a.?went off ?????????b. worked off ???c. broke off ???d. came off
14. the government should ________ with the irrational regulations restricting drinking hours.
a. break away ???b. come up ???c. get away ????d. do away.
15. the prospect of increased prices has already _________ worries.a. provoked b. irritated c. inspiredd. hoisted
16. i think we need to see an investment _________ before we make an expensive mistake.a. guide b. entrepreneur c. consultant d. assessor
17. all the finished products are stored in a _________ of the delivery port and shipping is available at any time.a. garage b. cabinet wardrobe c. capsule d. warehouse
18. we made plans for a visit, but ???????difficulties with the car prevented it.
a. subsequent ???b. subsistent ???c. substantial ??????d. subsidiary
19. the chairman of the board ________ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.
a. compelled
b. posed
c. pressed(c)
d. tempted
20. church?as we use the word refers to all religious institutions, ________ they christian, islamic, buddhist, jewish, and so on.
a. be
