
朱永涛《英语国家社会与文明入门》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚第1章英国简介(1)ⅰ. multiple choice.1. who were the ancestors of the english and the founders of england?[北二外2008研]a. the anglo-saxons.b. the vikings.c. the normans.d. the romans.【答案】a查看答案【解析】盎格鲁-撒克逊人是日耳曼民族的分支,于五世纪中期由北欧侵略大不列颠,变成如今英格兰人的祖先。2. which of the following was the man who crushed various rebellions in ireland and settled english and scottish protestants there by giving them land?[北京交大2005研;首都师范大学2008研]a. oliver cromwellb. king charles ⅰc. william ⅰd. william ⅲ【解析】克伦威尔,英国政治家、军事家、宗教领袖;他损坏了爱尔兰的多次反叛,并将土地分给英格兰和苏格兰新教徒。3. in which of the following years did julius caesar invade britain?[首都师范大学2009研]a. 55 bcb. 54 bcc. 54 add. 43 ad【解析】julius caesar凯撒,罗马共和国晚期独裁控制者、政治家、军事统帅;他于公元前55年侵略英国。4. which of the following peoples were the ancestors of the welsh?[首都师范大学2009研]a. the celts.b. the romans.c. the danes.d. the anglo-saxons.【解析】英国威尔士人的祖先为凯尔特人;盎格鲁-撒克逊人是英格兰人的祖先。5. the church of england founded by henry ⅷ was named in england as _____.[中山大学2009研]a. catholicb. anglicanc. puritand. episcopal【答案】b查看答案【解析】亨利8世,英国都铎王朝第二任国王;因教皇不附和其离婚的需求,亨利8世在英国推广宗教变革,脱离罗马天主教廷,引入新教,树立了英国国教(the church of england),也被称为圣公会(anglican church);宗教变革使英国王权得到高度会集。6. christianity was first introduced into britain by _____.[北京交大2007研;对外经贸2003]a. the celtb. the romansc. the viking danesd. the norman-french【解析】公元前55年,罗马人侵略英国,把基督教引入了英国。7. three of the following are the main activities of the city of london. which is the exception?[北京交大2006研]a. government administration.b. buying and selling

commodities.c. providing services and finance for commercial investment.d. stock exchanges.【解析】伦敦是世界最重要的金融中心之一;首要活动包括生意产品,为商业出资供给效能和资金以及股市生意。选项a不包括在内,为正确答案。8. britain doesn’t share any land border with any other countries except _____.a. the republic of irelandb. francec. icelandd. norway【解析】英国位于大不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋围住,仅与同属大不列颠群岛的爱尔兰共和国接壤。9. as king alfred was not able to drive the danes out of england, he made a treaty with them, allowing them to keep the northern and eastern parts of england, which later became known as _____.a. the danelawb. wessexc. sussexd. normandy【解析】阿尔弗雷德同丹麦人签定协议,答应丹麦人打点英格兰东北区域,这有些区域后来被称为“丹麦区”,选a。b、c项为昂格鲁撒克逊七国时期的两个国家。d项为法国诺曼底。这篇文章由才聪学习网自创,等待重视,带你一同长常识!
