
原标题:纽约时报精读:废物分类逼疯上海市民?少喝奶茶少吃虾? | 考研英语




shanghai citizens out of sorts over new trash separation rules·


原文:household trash has occupied the minds of shanghai residents this week: specifically, are the contents of their bins “wet”, “dry”, “hazardous” or “recyclable”?residents of the city, one of the world’s biggest with about 23 million people, must arrange their trash according to those labels under a mandatory sorting scheme starting on july citizens, however, are finding the new system complicated enough, with every item of waste now under careful scrutiny, from receipts and half-eaten crayfish to soggy cups of “bubble tea.” residents are also unhappy about getting their hands dirty.”it’s really a lot of trouble,” said a 68-year old resident called shen. “plastic bags have to be put in one bin and if they are dirty they must be cleaned out, and then your hands get filthy. it’s really unhygienic.”


标题:shanghai citizens out of sorts over new trash separation rules·


1. garbage、rubbish、trash和waste在英语里都有“废物、废物”意思,它们的差异在于在哪个国家更常用:

garbage 是废物的美式英语说法;

rubbish 是英式英语废物的意思;

trash 也是美式英语废物的意思,可是它也可以用来指不值得尊敬的人;

waste 是一个正式用语,指没有使用价值的东西,包括废品、废物、废物、废料或许指时刻、金钱、精力等的浪费。

2. separation 美 [?sep??re??n] n. 别离;分隔;切割;阻隔;分隔;分家,

例如,a legal separation合法分家,

separation from his friends made him sad.



the couple announced their separation this month but didn’t disclose the matter of the child.



trash sorting/garbage sorting/waste sorting/trash separation/ garbage classification

newshub运用的是trash sorting;

reuters(路透社)、businessday(《纽约时报》商业版)媒体运用了trash separation;

彭博社运用了waste sorting;

新华社、中新网、global times用的garbage sorting;

global times也用过garbage classification。

3. out of sorts对……不知所措,觉得不舒畅,对……感到不适,例如,

the boss is out of sorts at the moment and you’d better not ask for trouble.



第一句:household trash has occupied the minds of shanghai residents this week: specifically, are the contents of their bins “wet”, “dry”, “hazardous” or “recyclable”?


1. occupy 美 [?ɑ?kjupa?] v. 运用,占用(空间、面积、时刻等);运用(房子、建筑);居住;并吞;占据;占有.


and even if the couple winds up splitting the fortune — a move that could knock bezos off the top of the richest list — that merely means the couple will eachoccupy one slot, just further down the ranking.



原文occupied the minds of就是“占有了或人的心”的意思,就是咱们常说的“满脑子都是”。

2. are the contents of their bins “we

t”, “dry”, “hazardous” or “recyclable”?是疑问句,正常语序是the contents of their bins are “wet”, “dry”, “hazardous” or “recyclable”。

主语是the contents of their bins,废物桶里的内容,必定就是废物了,所以the contents of their bins是废物的意思。

3. 湿废物wet garbage;干废物dry garbage;有害废物hazardous garbage;可收回废物 recyclable garbage


traces of microplastics and hazardous chemicals found in majority of snow and ice samples taken earlier this year.




on march 15th kenya announced that it will become the second country in africa to ban them. it follows rwanda, a country with a dictatorial obsession with cleanliness, which outlawed them in 2008. the ban was hailed by the united nations environment programme as a breakthrough.


hailed by as 看到了吧?恩,19年6月catti二笔英译汉考过,所以我说31篇外刊精读与翻译算经典学习材料了。

第二句:residents of the city, one of the world’s biggest with about 23 million people, must arrange their trash according to those labels under a mandatory sorting scheme starting on july 1.


1. one of the world’s biggest with about 23 million people说的就是city,就是指上海。biggest 后边其实为了避免和前面的city重复,省去了cities。

2. arrange their trash也是分类废物的意思。

3. mandatory [?m?nd?t??ri] adj. 强行的;法定的;责任的,例如,attendance is mandatory. 有必要参加。金融时报上有这样一个语句:

that will trigger immediate, mandatory consultations by the treasury with that country to help get the misaligned currency back on track.


原文a mandatory sorting scheme 就是“强行性分类方案”的意思。介词是under。

3. label 原意是“标签”的意思,可做名词或许动词,例如,price/address labels价格/地址标签。


i can’t bear people who make judgements and label me.



labelled “little fresh meat” by their fans, who consist mostly of women in their teens and twenties, they mimic an aesthetic pioneered by singers from south korea and japan.


第三句:citizens, however, are finding the new system complicated enough, with every item of waste now under careful scrutiny, from receipts and half-eaten crayfish to soggy cups of “bubble tea.”


1. finding the new system complicated enough是find sth adj的用法,enough放在描述词后边标明偏重。这句也可以翻译为“市民认为这种分类方案很凌乱。

2. system就是前面说到的scheme的意思。

3. scrutiny [?skru?t?ni] n. 细心查看;细心完全的检查。

如:her argument doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.


2021年高斋catti 和mti全年班的课程里边讲到过这样一句话:

starbucks executives have come under scrutiny for being slow to adapt to delivery.


原文every item of waste now under careful scrutiny字面意思就是“每种废物都要细心查看”,可是这儿说的就是废物分类,所以翻译为“每一种废物都要细心分类”的意思,更契合当下语境。

2. half-eaten crayfish 字面意思是“吃了一半的龙虾”,可是汉语中不会这么说的,常说的是“没吃完的龙虾”。


3. soggy 美 [?sɑ?ɡi] adj. 湿而软的;湿润的;受潮的,例如,soggy bread受潮的面包

原文soggy cups of “bubble tea”字面意思是“湿润的珍珠奶茶杯子”,可是这样不通畅,作者这儿说的非常奇妙,奶茶杯子一般是塑料的,“湿润的杯子”其实说的是“没有喝完的杯子”(杯子里边还有奶茶),上海市扔掉物打点处官方回复正确的处置进程如下:

4. from……to 标明罗列,字面意思是“从……到”,可是具体要根据语境来翻译。原文里边,from receipts and half-eaten crayfish to soggy cups of “bubble tea.”假定翻译为“从……到……”会很不通畅,处置为罗列的方法“例如,……”。

第四句:residents are also unhappy about getting their hands dirty.


1. getting their hands dirty 这儿是“get something+描述词”的用法,就是“使……怎么样”、”让……怎么样”的意思,get也可以换为make。

2. be unhappy about 字面意思是“对……感到不开心”,例如,he has been unhappy about this for many days. 为这件事他闹了好几天心境。

原文residents are also unhappy about getting their hands dirty字面意思就是“市民也很不开心让自个的手脏了“,可是这样不通畅,汉语里边一般说的就是“市民们很不愿意弄脏自个的手”。

第五句: “it’s really a lot of trouble,” said a 68-year old resident called shen. “plastic bags have to be put in one bin and if they are dirty they must be cleaned out, and then your hands get filthy. it’s really unhygienic.”


1. 英语中“somebody says”可以放在句首、句中或许句末,可是在翻译的时分“或人说”一般都放在句首。

2. 这一段话是引述上海市民的话,阐明上海人对废物强行分类的反应,因而要用口语化的方法来翻译。译文里边的话都是比照口语化的言语。

3. plastic bags 塑料袋,plastic这个词语在2021年的课程里边讲过许多次了,例如,18年11月catti三笔真题英译汉《南极洲》里边有这样一个语句:

the findings come amid growing concern about the extent of the plastic pollution crisis which scientists have warned risks “permanent contamination” of the plan.


4. clean out是完全收拾,收拾洁净的意思。

mr. wall asked if i would help him clean out the bins.

沃尔先生问我能不能 他把各个箱子完全收拾一遍。

5. filthy [?f?lθi] 龌龊的;龌龊;污秽;下贱,例如,filthy rags/streets龌龊的破布/大街,she has a filthy temper . 她脾气浮躁。

6. unhygienic 美 [??nha??d?en?k] adj. 不清洗的;不清洁的;易致病(或感染)的,例如,金融时报上有这样一个语句:

imagine what could happen, he says, if one of the many indians in west africa caught the virus and carried it to an unhygienic indian public hospital.




