
To understand which commodity producers stand to win and lose from a green transition, we construct a simple scenario for the use of ten “energy-linked” commodities in 2040, assuming that global warming by 2100 stays below 2°C.


1.stand: to be likely to do or have something



The marketing tactics have been labelled “predatory” by watchdog groups, who argue they “oversimplify” health conditions and encourage misdiagnosis. Recent complaints have prompted both TikTok and Instagram owner Meta to remove some ads from SoftBank-backed Cerebral — which launched in January 2020 and was recently valued at $4.8bn — on the basis that they constituted harmful medical misinformation.


Cerebral told the Financial Times it would start reviewing its ads more closely in future and that it had “removed all ads of concern” at the time. “We are listening to the feedback received from the media and the market,” it said.


Advertising aside, the phenomenontaps intoa pandemic-fuelled explosion of mental health content. Peppy influencers sharing their checklists of symptoms have increasingly filled my feeds over the past two years,centring onconditions such as OCD, dissociative identity disorder andautism. Sizeable subcultures of sufferers have bubbled up: on TikTok, the hashtag ADHD has 10.6bn views, anxiety has 13.1bn, neurodivergent has nearly 3bn.


These communities have forced more open discussions around mental health, helped todestigmatiseconditions and increased awareness of diagnoses, particularly among those who may have little access to healthcare. But in thefreewheelingsocial media space, there are also huge challenges. Research published recently in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, analysing the top 100 most popular videos on TikTok about ADHD, found that 52 per cent of the videos were “misleading”.


In some

cases, the videos mistakenly suggested that symptoms such as anxiety, anger and mood swings were specific only to ADHD. Others provided incorrect information on the causes of ADHD or how to test for it. At its most harmless, self-diagnosis may spring from a teenage urge to rebel from the norm, or find common ground with a new peer group.But more concerning are the implications for those who wrongly identify as having a particular condition.


本文节选自:The Economist(经济学人)




英 [???t?z?m] 美 [???t?z?m]

n. 自闭症,孤独症;臆想


英 [d?’st?gm?ta?z] 美 [d?’st?gm?ta?z]

v. 恢复名誉;去除污点


英 [?fri??wi?l??] 美 [?fri??wi?l??]

adj. 随心所欲的;惯性滑行的

n. 惯性滑行


1.tap into 挖掘;接进

2.centring on 以……为中心


原句:But more concerning are the implications for those who wrongly identify as having a particular condition.

结构:More concerning are the implications for those who…

例句:More concerning are the implications for those who are victims of drink-driving after the accident.



? END ?




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