
通常考官问最大优点,一般会这样提问:what is your greatest strength?/do you have any particular merits?。
  有的考生回答时,会说自己最大的优点就是善良,热爱小动物或是乐于助人。但是同学们一定要注意这些回答对于考研来说没有太大的 助,所以在回答问题时,一定要以考研为出发点。我们可以从自己的专业或是自身特点来说。
  比如考的是学硕,一般比较热爱研究,所以可以从这几个方面展开:careful, detail-oriented(仔细的),logical(有条理的),steady(踏实的),analytical(擅长分析的),innovative(创新的)。
  如果考的是专硕,实践比较多,那么就可以说:responsible(负责任的), dependable(可靠的), efficient(有效率的), adaptable(适应性强的), cooperative(合作的), punctual(守时的)。
  当向考官说明后,要做到有理有据,所以再举一个例子加以说明。说完之后,刚才提到,我们之所以说这些优点,是因为这些优点对于考研来说是有 助的,所以,当举例之后,还要说说这样的优点对自己产生了什么样的积极影响,对于考研有什么 助。最后再总结一下。所以整个的思路为:1.position(定位)2.examples(举例)3.positive influence on you(对你的积极影响)4.conclusion(总结)。
  as for my strongest strength, i think it is my carefulness and responsibility in work and study, which promote me unceasingly devote myself to my work.(定位)
  a case in point is that during a bid for a road project, we spent 10 days preparing for the job and everyone was very tired. it was already four oclock am. and they all planned to have a rest, but i insisted on a final confirmation of the tender.
  when doing that, suddenly i found that they had written the numbers oppositely. but when i told

them about the mistake, they thought that i was young without any experience,and they could not have made mistakes. to persuade them,i had to take out the original documents. by comparing the two documents, finally they believed that it was a mistake. and we corrected it together. at last, we succeeded.(举例)
  through this matter, i find that carefulness and responsibility are very important. and i also stick to them in the following work.(积极影响)
  i think this is my greatest strength.(总结)
