

此真题摘自仙林南师大考研网(查找时请认准仙林二字),如有违背请联络删去,更多真题可查找仙林南师大考研网 (查找时请认准仙林二字)
?“what is your greatest strength?”
this is a real opportunity to toot your own horn. do not brag or get too egotistical,
but let the employer know that you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths. i feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. i feel a real sense of accomplishment when i finish a job and it turns out just as is thesis.
?“what is your greatest weakness?”
you cannot avoid this question by saying
that you do not

have any, everyone has
weaknesses.the best approach is to admit your weakness but show that you are working on it and have a plan to overcome it. if possible, cite a weakness that will work to the companyt stop until a job is well done.
?“how do you feel about your progress to date?”
never apologize for what you have done. i think i did well in school. in fact, in a number of courses i received the highest exam scores in the class. as an intern for the x company, i received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.
假定是英语面试,经过一些简略的办法可以前进导师对你的重视度。比方“not only…but also”“rather…than”等句型,可增强表达的联接性和逻辑性。另外还可以多用一些口语意味较强的词汇,使毛遂自荐更赋有新鲜感。
(1)what can you tell me about yourself ?(关于你自个,你能告诉我些啥?)
(2)what would you like to be doing five years after graduation ?(在结业今后5 年内想做些啥?)
(3)what is your greatest strength ?(你最杰出的利益是啥?)
(4)what is your greatest weakness ?(你最大的缺陷是啥?)
(5)how do you feel about your progress to date ?(关于你至今所获得的
(6)why did you choose xxuniversity ?
(7)why did you choose (专业) ?
(8)what would you like to be doing five years after graduation ?
(9)what has been your greatest accomplishment ?
( 1 0 ) describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.
(1)介绍自个名字时,发音必定要准( 南边考生要多加留心)。
(3)待考官清楚说出“this is the end of the test, thank you”之后,再站起来,拿好自个的东西,如准考证,与考官说再会:“thank you, goodbye.”或“thank you for your interview,goodbye.”然后脱离。
(4)关于考官所提疑问不能用只言片语来唐塞,尽量避免只用yes 或no 答复,必定要有缘由或比方;但也不能不加控制盲目胡说,要留心听完考官的指示语后再答复。考官的指示语后再答复。
