

原文标题:women in science: clogging the leaky pipeline

在许多理工学科的高层职位中,女人数量远远少于男性。尽管在本科生层次理工科专业的女人数量不少,但在研讨生以上层次的有关研讨领域,女人如同更不易获得成功,或许她们对高层科学作业的寻求热心更不如男性,如同越来越多的女人从科学作业的管道中泄显露来,这种表象被称作“泄露的管道”(leaky pipeline)。这篇文章作者首要以生命科学领域为例分析了这种“泄露的管道”表象,并就如何堵住这一“泄露的管道”提出自个的主张。


i ①as we can’t pin it down to a single factor, two dominant “solutions” are being used by governments and educational institutions. ②at the bottom, we encourage as many women as possible to study stem subjects. ③from the top, quotas are being introduced for higher job levels. ④while quotas are controversial, the projects targeting female students are not being questioned, although they are effectively clogging – not plugging – the pipeline by injecting more women at undergraduate level – seemingly – without a longer-term plan. ⑤in the life sciences in particular, women have responded in record numbers at undergraduate and phd level to those “clogging programs”, where they already constitute the majority. ⑥but is it fair to suggest that students of any of the stem subjects will have a great professional life – no matter if they’re in engineering or biology? ⑦and – even if our targets of redressing the gender balance at top positions could be reached by clogging the leaky pipeline – can we be proud of this achievement if we don’t consider the cost?

ii ①in contrast to engineering and technology, life science is a tough labor market for job starters – a field with long qualification periods, in which competition in a tightening job market is rife and where health and safety regulations prevent pregnant and nursing women from working in the lab. ②not perfect conditions, especially for women.

iii ①when we asked ourselves if anyone benefits from training for a saturated labor market, we came to suggest a new approach: stop actively promoting all stem fields in one lump. ②make promotion more targeted, introduce differentiation! ③we have a lack of chemical engineers, physicists and process engineers? ④then recruit female pupils for those specific fields! ⑤and at the same time be honest enough to tell them that learning to purify a protein makes them stand out from the crowd as much as the ability to read.

iv ①instead of injecting more diversity at the bottom, talking women into long study periods with challenging career perspectives, we should try to plug the pipeline by focusing on the many women that are already present at graduate and postgraduate stages. ②give them, and particularly young mothers, the flexibility, infrastructure and confidence to live their passion for science and break through the glass ceiling. ③give them the chance to pull the balance right!


1. pin… down 断定,查明,弄理解

2. stem 科学、技能、工程和数学

3. quota [kwot?] n. 配额,定额,方针

4. *clog [klɑg] v. 堵塞,填塞

5. plug [pl?ɡ] v. 塞住, 堵住

6. fair [fe?] a. 恰当的,合理的

7. qualification [kwɑl?f?’ke??n] n. 资历,条件,捆绑

8. saturated [s?t??ret?d] a. 饱满的

9. lump [l?mp] n. 块,团,肿块

10. recruit [r?’krut] v. 招聘,征募

11. protein [pr??tin] n. 蛋白质

12. glass ceiling 玻璃天花板:是指在公司公司和机关集体中,捆绑某些人员集体(女人、少量民族)提升到高档职位的妨碍



i ①as we can’t pin it down to a single factor, two dominant “solutions” are being used by governments and educational institutions. ②at the bottom, we encourage as many women as possible to study stem subjects. ③from the top, quotas are being introduced for higher job levels. ④while quotas are controversial, the projects targeting female students are not being questioned, although they are effectively clogging – not plugging – the pipeline by injecting more women at undergraduate level – seemingly – without a longer-term plan. ⑤in the life sciences in particular, women have responded in record numbers at undergraduate and phd level to those “clogging programs”, where they already constitute the majority. ⑥but is it fair to suggest that students of any of the stem subjects will have a great professional life – no matter if they’re in engineering or biology? ⑦and – even if our targets of redressing the gender balance at top positions could be reached by clogging the leaky pipeline – can we be proud of this achievement if we don’t consider the cost?

翻译:因为咱们不能将其归因于一个单一要素,政府和教育机构正在施行两个首要的“处置方百铮在底端,咱们鼓舞更多女人学习stem(科学,技能,工程和数学)学科。在顶端,政府和教育机构正在推出一些配额方案让高学历人才从事高层次的作业。尽管配额方案是有争议的,关于女学生的招生项目却未遭到质疑,尽管这些项目实践上只是经过(短期内) 添加本科生层次中女人的数量来塞满–而不是堵住–管道,如同短少一个长时刻的方案。特别是在生命科学领域,呼应那些“填塞方案”,本科生和博士生层次的女人数量现已创前史新高,在该领域她们现已占了大大都。可是让stem学科内的一切学生,不管是学工程专业仍是生物学专业,都信赖他们将来会得到一个抱负的作业,这样的做法合理吗?而且,即便咱们经过填塞泄露的管道来抵达完成高层次职位性别平衡的方针,咱们会不思考价值并为所获得作用而骄傲吗?

点评:段 i 首要驳斥政府和教育机构单纯添加stem学科本科生层次女人数量的招生方案 ①②③句首要介绍政府和教育机构关于stem学科女人数量疑问所采纳的两个首要处置方案,②句介绍底端本科生层次的处置方案,③句介绍顶端科研岗位的处置方案。④⑤⑥⑦句作者标明自个对上述处置方案的情绪,从clogging – not plugging – the pipeline,without a longer-term plan,but is it fair to suggest,can we be proud of 这些否定和疑问表述中,咱们可以看出作者对政府教育机构的办法的情绪是质疑的,否定的。

ii ①in contrast to engineering and technology, life science is a tough labor market for job starters – a field with long qualification periods, in which competition in a tightening job market is rife and where health and safety regulations prevent pregnant and nursing women from working in the lab. ②not perfect conditions, especially for women.


点评:段 ii 作者指出在生命科学领域,女人在作业打开中处于非常晦气的方位。句①具体指出女人在生命科学领域作业打开中遇到的困难,包括作业商场竞赛剧烈,因怀孕和哺乳中止作业,句②一句话总结上句细节。

iii ①when we asked ourselves if anyone benefits from training for a saturated labor market, we came to suggest a new approach: stop actively promoting all stem fields in one lump. ②make promotion more targeted, introduce differentiation! ③we have a lack of chemical engineers, physicists and process engineers? ④then recruit female pupils for those specific fields! ⑤and at the same time be honest enough to tell them that learning to purify a protein makes them stand out from the crowd as much as the ability to read.


点评:承受上文的“破”,从本段初步,作者重在“立”,提出自个的处置方案。段 iii 中作者提出一个新的处置办法:对具体学科领域进行有关于性的招生宣传。句①经过一组比照主张规划(no one benefits from….we suggest a new approach…)提出新的招生办法。句②③④⑤具体介绍这种新办法, 其间句③和句④构成一问一答的设问句,以及感叹号的运用,偏重作者对新办法的决心。

iv ①instead of injecting more diversity at the bottom, talking women

into long study periods with challenging career perspectives, we should try to plug the pipeline by focusing on the many women that are already present at graduate and postgraduate stages. ②give them, and particularly young mothers, the flexibility, infrastructure and confidence to live their passion for science and break through the glass ceiling. ③give them the chance to pull the balance right!


点评:段 iv 作者从更高的视界持续证明新的处置方案,一起与最初照顾,前进总结全文。 句①作者用“instead of… we should try…”比照主张规划驳斥政府和教育机构在底端填塞女人的招生方案,进而偏重自个的处置方案。句②和句③用两组祈使句直接表达作者对女人科学作业打开的主张。回来搜狐,查看更多

