沈阳药科大学硕士研讨生导师介绍邸欣_ (kaoyan.com)(沈阳药科大学硕士招生简章)


2?2003年在香港浸会大学化学系作造访专家。现任沈阳药科大学药物代谢与药物动力学实验室副主任,《沈阳药科大学学报》常务编委。曾获辽宁省医药科技前进一等奖,辽宁省一般高级学校优良青年骨干教师称谓。曾掌管结束了国家天然科学基金项目“中药多糖的ce指纹图谱及ce/ms成分分析研讨”,参加了国家天然科学基金项目《平衡条件下测定药物-蛋白结协作用的新办法研讨》、国家863科技攻关项目《微流控芯片通道成形与主动对准设备体系》的子课题“微流控芯片在药物分析中的使用研讨”,国家天然科学基金项目《多碱基反义寡核苷酸的ce/ms分析》。在国表里中心期刊上宣告研谈论文30余篇,参编教材、专著8本。代表性作品:1.《医药高效液相色谱技能》,公民清洁出书社,1999(参编)2. 高级医药院校方案教材《分析化学》第四版,公民清洁出书社,1999(参编)3.《现代色谱法及其在药物分析中的使用》,科学出书社,2005(参编)4.《仪器分析选论》,科学出书社,2005(参编)代表性论文:1. di x, chan kkc, leung hw, huie cw. fingerprint profiling of acid hydrolyzates of polysaccharides extracted from the fruiting bodies and spores of lingzhi by high-performance thin layer chromatography. j chromatogr. a. 2003, 1018(1): 85-95. (sci收载)2. di x, marriott pj, huie cw. application of headspace solid-phase microextraction (hs-spme) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (gc×gc) for the chemical profiling of volatile oils in complex herbal mixtures. j sep. sci. 2004, 27(5/6): 451-458 (sci收载)3. huie cw, di x. chromatographic and electrophoretic methods for lingzhi pharmacologically active components. j chromatogr. b. 2004, 812 (1-2): 241-257 (sci收载)4. zhang jl, xu yx, di x, mu mt. quantitation of salbutamol in human urine by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. j chromatogr. b. 2004, 831 (1-2): 328-332 (sci收载)5. chen r, luo xf, di x, li y, sun yq, hu yz. single-based resolution for oligodeoxynucleotides and their phosphorothioate modifications by replaceable capillary gel electrophoresis. j chromatogr. b. 2006, in press. (sci收载)
