每日外刊 考研阅读-只有谈判才能给以色列和巴勒斯坦带来持久的和平



Only negotiations can bring lasting peace to Israel and Palestine



It was a confrontation waiting to happen, in a conflict the world would rather ignore. Israelis and Palestinians have once again goaded each other to the brink of war in the Holy Land. Hundreds of rockets, fired by Palestinian militants, have been aimed at Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and southern Israel. Gaza, the Palestinian territory run by Hamas, a violent Islamist movement, has been hit even harder by Israeli air strikes. Arabs and Jews have clashed in the streets of Israeli cities. Dozens of people, most of them Palestinian, have been killed.



The worst fighting between Israelis and Palestinians in years has Jerusalem at its heart, as so often. In April, at the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Israel’s police chief fenced off the plaza around the Damascus Gate, one of the entrances to Jerusalem’s old walled city and a gathering spot for Palestinians. The move, made for “security reasons”, led to clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police. Hundreds were injured. Then the rockets started flying.



Jerusalem epitomises the problem. Israel claims the city as its “eternal and undivided capital”. But its inhabitants are irrevocably split. The eastern part of the city, although captured by Israel in 1967, remains largely Palestinian. The Oslo accords of 1993 left the city’s status to be settled in a permanent peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. But Israel has built a wall separating Jerusalem from the Palestinian hinterland.




negotiation /n??ɡo??i?e??n/ n.谈判;

Israel /’?zr??l/ 以色列;

Palestine /?p?l?sta?n/ 巴勒斯坦;

confrontation /?kɑ?nfr?n?te??n/ n.冲突;对抗;

conflict /?kɑ?nfl?kt/ n.冲突;矛盾;

would rather 宁愿;

goad /ɡo?d/ vt.刺激;

brink /br??k/ n.边缘;

Holy Land (基督教)圣地;

militant /?m?l?t?nt/ n.激进分子;

Jerusalem /d???ru?s?l?m/ 耶路撒冷(以色列首都);

Tel Aviv 特拉维夫市(以色列港市);

Gaza /?ɡɑ?z?/ 加沙;(地中海岸港市);

territory /?ter?t??ri/ n.领土;地域;

Hamas /?hɑ?mɑ?s/ 哈马斯;

Islamist movement 伊斯兰抵抗运动;

air strike 空袭;

Arab /??r?b/ n.阿拉伯人;

Jew /d?u?/ n.犹太人;

clash /kl??/ vi.冲突;

fighting /?fa?t??/ n.冲突;矛盾;

as so often 经常如此;

Muslim /?m?zl?m/ 穆斯林;

ramadan /?rɑ?m?dɑ?n/ n.斋月;斋戒月;

fence off 远离;逃避;回避;

plaza /?pl?z?/ n.广场;

Damascus Gate 大马士革门;

epitomise/??p?t?ma?z/ vt.是…的缩影;体现;代表;

eternal /??t??rnl/ adj.永恒的;

inhabitant /?n?h?b?t?nt/ n.居民;居住者;

irrevocably /??rev?k?bli/ adv.不可逆转地;不能挽回地;

largely /?lɑ?rd?li/ adv.大部分地;主要地;

The Oslo accords 《奥斯陆协议》;

hinterland /?h?nt?rl?nd/ n.腹地;


文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)

原文发布时间:15 May 2021


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