
Exports from trade-intensive South Korea, which slid by 14% year on year overall in November,wereparticularly hampered by dwindling sales to China, which shrank by 26%—the biggest 12-month decline since 2009.




US businesses are increasingly hiring workers on temporary contracts as recession fears

discourage companies from adding more permanent staff. Employers posted 26 per cent more openings for contract positions between May and November than in the same period last year, according to data from LinkedIn. Postings for full-time roles were up only 6 per cent over the same period, and Department of Labor data show that new job vacancies fell in October.


In previousdownturns, businesses have shifted open permanent jobs into temporary contracts to cut costs. The Covid crisis accelerated the trend, according to Liz Wilke, the principal economist for the payroll software maker Gusto. Many employers hired contract workers for the first time to assist with rapid strategic and operational shifts during the pandemic. Othersleanedon contractors to make up for short staffing amid a worker shortage, Wilke said.


Contractors accounted for one in 10 of the employees paid through Gusto five years ago. Now, they are one in five. The number of businesses hiring contractors has grown, too. The number of companies on Gusto’s platform utilising contract workers grew 11 per cent this year and 28 per cent since the start of the pandemic.


Larger companies have driven the demand for contract workers, with most being hired to do consulting, administrative, or creative work, according to Gusto data. But for smaller businesses, rising wages have made it difficult to outbid large enterprises for top talent. Many have turned to contract workers to fill the gap, said the founders of human resources software maker QuickHire Deborah Gladney and Angela Muhwezi-Hall.


Thewaveof contract hiring has also provided new opportunities for workers who might have a more difficult time competing for a full-time role, Wilke at Gusto said, including those who are older or lack traditional qualifications such as a college degree. Many will probably aim to use contract positions as astepping stoneinto competitive industries including communications and tech.


本文节选自:Financial Times(金融时报)



1. downturn


n. (商业经济的)下降,衰退期

v. 下翻,下转



v. (身体)倾斜; 倾向于做; 倚靠,靠在

adj. 瘦且健康的; (肉)瘦的,脂肪少的; 不景气的,贫乏的; 精简的,效率高的; (混合汽化燃料)空气所占比例高的,稀化的

n. 倾斜,歪曲; 瘦肉

3. wave


v. 挥手; 挥手示意; 挥舞,挥动; 飘扬,摆动,摇晃; 使(头发)略呈波形; (威胁地)举起(某物)

n. 海浪; (活动、行为的)爆发,浪潮; 涌现的人(或物); 挥手; 波状运动; (头发的)卷曲; 波浪形; (地震、爆炸的)冲击波


1.stepping stone 垫脚石;跳板;进身之阶


But for smaller businesses, rising wages have made it difficult to outbid large enterprises for top talent.

结构:… have made it difficult to ….


例句:Current employment situation has made it difficult to promote the economic development.






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