



As is shown in this enlightening cartoon,a man, happily and excitedly, iscarrying a lantern, which looks like a heart giving out light. There is aChinese character on the lantern, which meanscredibility. Common as it at first glance, this picture isbrimming with illumination after your serious pondering:honesty is indispensable for bothpersonal and social purpose.

In this day and age, credibility plays an irreplaceable role in our life.Possessing this character, one can not only achieve success more easily, butalso obtain respect from others.

Moreover, honestyplays an irreplaceable role in the sustainable development of personaldevelopment. If the significance of this kind of quality cannot be realizedproperly and promptly, individuals will suffer a great deal.

Weighing up the above several aspects, Isuppose that not until we realize the importance of good faith and put it into practice,can we foster it deliberately andmake a better progress. In light

of the gravity of the issue discussed above,the media should shoulder the responsibility to advocate and publicize thecharacter. It is critical for the school to guide the students in the rightdirection in terms of this quality. In a word, although it`s easier said thandone, we can make it with perseverance.


出国与回国人数对比the comparison about the number of peoplegoing abroad and coming home


With the societybeing in rapid development, you may frequently see the phenomenon that peoplein growing number come home from abroad. Careful deliberation of this trend hasilluminated me on why this should be so. The economic situation shifting,China’s economy has made great achievement and people’s wallets are growingincreasingly fat. As a result, people’s living standard has been raised.Besides, the government has built a sound social security system and soundhealth care system. The above factors, as far as I’m concerned, has uncoveredthe deep-rooted explanation for what happened.

Taking intoaccount what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that thisestablished trend is positive and therefore acceptable. In light of/In terms ofthe problem/phenomenon revealed by the statistics, the media should shoulderthe responsibility to initiate acampaign for this trend. In a word, although it`seasier said than done, we can make it with perseverance/our longstanding effortand stamina.




