



1.1 基础英语考研真题分析



















Anyone who has a sore throat should from alcohol.

A. detain

B. abstain

C. sustain

D. pertain

个别院校(如对外经济贸易大学)有时句子中会留2~4个空白,酷似GRE的sentence completion,不同的是GRE是填2个空,而外经贸要求填2~4个。如:

Literature may ______ and inform, entertain, express personal joy or , reflect religious devotion, glorify a nation or hero, or ______ a particular point of view—whether it ______ political, social, or aesthetic.

A. inspire; love; describe; is

B. instruct: pain; advocate; be

C. convince; hatred; reveal; were

D. alert; pleasure; explain; has been


Don’t be callous to the suffering of others.

A. apathetic

B. curious

C. sensitive

D. supercilious


a thing that is changeable: (答案为variable)。



A. calm

B. penetrative

C. dilapidated

D. illegible

E. exclusive



A. unlikely

B. uncomfortable

C. unrepentant

D. unseemly

E. unattractive





______ , he might have retired before the end.

A. Didn’t he enjoy the concert

B. Has he not enjoyed the concert

C. Were he not enjoy the concert

D. Had he not enjoyed the concert


Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille


1. hurricane [5hQrikEn] n. a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving a 73-136 knots飓风

2. lash [lAF] vt. strike against with force or violence猛烈打击:The sleet is lashing the roof.雨夹雪击打着屋顶。

3. pummel [5pQm(E)l] v. (用拳头连续)击打:The child pummeled his mother angrily as she carried him home.那孩子因其母带他回家而生气地捶打着母亲。

4. reluctant [ri5lQktEnt] adj. unwilling; disinclined不愿意的,勉强的:He was very reluctant to go away.他很不愿意离去。其名词形式为reluctance。

5. abandon [E5bAndEn] vt. a). leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch放弃,抛弃:abandon a friend in trouble抛弃处于危难中的朋友;b). to give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of danger or other impending threat离弃,丢弃:abandon the ship弃船

6. course [kC:s] n. a mode of action or behavior品行,行为

7. demolish [di5mCliF] vt. to do away with completely; put an end to毁坏,破坏:The fire demolished the town.大火烧毁了这座城镇。

8. motel [mEu5tel] n. a hotel for people who are traveling by car, where you can park your car outside your room汽车旅馆

9. gruff [^rQf] adj. hoarse; harsh粗糙的,粗哑的:a gruff voice粗哑的嗓音

10. batten [5bAtn] vt. to furnish, fasten, or secure with battens用压条固定

11. methodically [mI5WRdIk(E)li] adv. orderly and systematically有条理地,有秩序地:He methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread.他有条不紊,不动声色地把一整只面包都吃光了。

12. main [mein] n. the principal pipe in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility(自来水、煤气、石油等的)总管道,干线:gas main煤气总管

13. bathtub [`bB:WtQb] n. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body浴缸,澡盆

14. generator [5dVenEreitE] n. a machine that produces electricity发电机,发动机

15. scud [skQd] vi. to run or skim along swiftly and easily飞奔,疾行,掠过:Dark clouds are scudding by.乌云滚滚而来。

16. mattress [5mAtris] n. a usually rectangular pad of heavy cloth filled with soft material床垫,褥子

17. pane [pein] n. one of the glass-filled divisions of a window or door窗格玻璃

18. French door [frentFdC:] n. two adjoining doors that have glass panes from top to bottom and are hinged at opposite sides of a doorway so that it opens in the middle法式落地双开门

19. disintegrate [dis5inti^reit] vt. to become reduced to components, fragments, or particles分解,分裂,碎裂:disintegrate the enemy troops瓦解敌军

20. blast [blB:st] n. a sudden strong movement of wind or air强风,阵风:A blast of hot air came from the furnace.一股热风从火炉里吹出来。

21. douse [daus] vt. to plunge into liquid; immerse浸泡,使浸透:As a joke, they douse him with a bucket of water.他们开玩笑,把一桶水泼到他身上了。

22. brigade [bri5^eid] n. a group of persons organized for a specific purpose执行特定任务的队伍

23. fire brigade [5faiE bri5^eid] n. or fire company, a body of men organized to fight fires, esp. one of a number of such groups constituting a fire department消防队

24. scramble [5skrAmbl] vi. to move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knees攀爬,爬:scramble up a steep hillside爬上陡峭的山坡

25. litter [5litE] n. the offspring produced at one birth by a multifarious mammal幼仔,一胎生下的小动物

26. shudder [5FQdE] vi. to shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion战栗,颤抖:I shudder to think what might happen.我想到可能发生的事而战栗。

27. ferocity [fE5rCsiti] n. the state or quality of being ferocious; fierceness凶恶,残忍,暴行:The rebellion was put down with utmost ferocity.起义遭到了残酷镇压。

28. swipe [swaip] n. a sweeping blow or stroke猛击,重击:She made a swipe at the mosquito.她挥臂打蚊子。

29. maroon [mE5ru:n] vt. to put ashore on a deserted island or coast and intentionally abandon把……放逐到孤岛,(因洪水等)使孤立:During the storm we were marooned in a cabin miles from town.在风暴中我们被围困在离城数英里的小屋内。

30. devastate [5devEsteit] vt. to lay waste; destroy使荒芜,破坏:A long war devastated Europe.长期的战争破坏了欧洲。[扩展]devastation n. 毁坏,破坏/ devastating adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的/ devastator n. 蹂躏者,劫掠者

31. swath [swC:W] n. the width of a scythe stroke or a mowing-machine blade刈幅(挥动镰刀所及的面积):The storm cut a wide swath through the town.暴风雨席卷全城,造成很大的破坏。

32. moorings [5muEriNs] n. (of ten pl.) lines, cables, etc. by which a ship is fastened to the land or the bottom of the sea停泊处

33. crack [krAk] v. a). to break or snap apart断裂,折断:The mirror cracked.镜子破裂了。b). to cause to break without complete separation of parts使裂开:crack the glass敲碎玻璃

34. snap [snAp] vi. to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound突然折断,啪的一声折断:A branch snapped off the tree in the wind.大风中一条树枝啪地从树上断落。

35. vacationer [vE5keIF[nE(r)] n. a person taking a vacation, esp. one who is traveling or at a resort度假者,休假者

36. vantage point [5vB:ntidV pCInt] n. a position that allows a clear and broad view有利地势,绝佳的位置

37. gigantic [dVai5^Antik] adj. very large or extensive巨大的,庞大的:He made a last gigantic effort.他做了最后一次巨大的努力。

38. huddle [5hQdl] vi. to crowd together, as from cold or fear挤在一起:They huddled together for warmth.他们挤成一团取暖。

39. slashing [5slAFiN] adj. severe; merciless, violent严厉的,猛烈的:a slashing criticism严厉的批评

40. implore [im5plC:] vt. to appeal to in supplication; beseech恳求,哀求:implore sb. for mercy恳求某人怜悯

41. bar [bB:(r)] n. a vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures; a measure小节线(把五线谱分成相等节拍的竖线);小节

42. trail [treil] vi. to become gradually fainter; dwindle减弱,减小:His voice trailed off in confusion.困惑中他的声音逐渐变小。

43. debris [5debri:] n. a rough, broken bit and piece of a stone, wood, glass, etc. as after destruction; rubble碎片,瓦砾:After the bombing there was a lot of debris everywhere.轰炸过后到处是一片残骸。

44. sanctuary [5sANktjuEri] n. a place of refuge or asylum避难所,躲避处:The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church.正在逃窜的反叛分子在附近的教堂里避难。

45. cedar [5si:dE] n. any of several Old World evergreen coniferous trees of the genus Cedrus, having stiff needles on short shoots and large, erect seed cones with broad deciduous scales雪松

46. extinguish [iks5tiN^wiF] vt. to put out (a fire, for example); quench熄灭,扑灭:extinguish a fire灭火

47. waver [5weivE] vi. a). to move unsteadily back and forth摇晃,摇曳;b). to become unsteady or unsure; falter动摇:His resolve began to waver.他的决心开始动摇了。

48. topple [5tCpl] vi. to lean over as if about to fall倾倒,摇摇欲坠:The house threatened to topple over.房子有倒塌的危险。

49. lean-to [5li:ntu:] n. a roof with a single slope, its upper edge abutting a wall or building; a shed with a one-slope roof单披屋顶

