
当地时间11月11日,曾经的全球第二大加密货币交易所ftx在推特上发布了申请破产保护的声明,交易所创始人兼首席执行官山姆·班克曼-弗里德(sam bankman-fried,下文简称“班克曼”)宣布辞职。
why did one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges just collapse?
ftx seemed to be ashiningexample of a cryptocurrency exchange that was doing everything right. run by sam bankman-fried – amultibillionaire, believed by many to be aonce-in-a-generationgenius, whorubbed shoulders withcongresspeopleandcalled for“thoughtfulregulatoryleadership” – ftx and its sister companies were bringing crypto to themainstream. they spent millions on a super bowl ad comparing crypto to the invention of thewheeland thelightbulb, urging customers not to “miss out”on“the next big thing” andtoutingftx as “a safe and easy way to get into crypto.”
ftx似乎是加密货币交易所中一个杰出的榜样,一切都运作良好。由亿万富翁山姆·班克曼-弗里德(sam bankman-fried)经营的ftx及其姐妹公司将加密货币推向了主流市场,很多人认为,弗里德是一位罕见的天才,游走于美国国会议员之间,并倡导利他主义的行业监管。他们花了数百万美元在超级碗上做广告,把加密货币比作轮胎和灯泡的发明,敦促客户不要“错过下一个风口”,并将ftx吹捧为“进入加密领域的一种安全而简单的方式”。
during the cryptodownturnthis past year, bankman-fried was compared to jp morgan for theseeminglyendlesspile ofcash he had to offerflounderingcrypto firms as heswooped inas asavior. in thespanof one week, hisempirecamecrashing down. a leakedbalance sheetfrom alameda research, bankman-fried’squantitativetrading firm,allegedlyshowed that a massiveportionof alameda’sassetsweredenominatedintokensthat ftx themselves created. it was already an open secret that ftx and alameda were tightlyintertwined, but there was little hard evidence as to how tightly they were linked, and regulators had not made anysubstantialmoves to investigate theties.
过去一年加密货币价格重挫,在此期间,班克曼-弗里德宛如当年的摩根如同救世主般突然出现,豪掷千金拯救深陷危机的加密货币公司。在短短一周的时间里,他的加密帝国轰然崩塌。根据一份泄露的资产负债表显示,班克曼-弗里德的量化加密货币交易公司alameda research的大部分资产实际上是ftx自己发行的代币。ftx和alameda之间的密切联系已是一个公开秘密,但没有什么确凿证据表明它们之间的联系有多紧密,监管机构也没有采取任何实质行动来调查它们的联系。
then, ftx’s largest competitor,binance, announced it would beselling offa substantial amount of ftx tokens left over from 2021, when bankman-friedbought backbinance’s stake in ftx. binance’s sell-offintensifiedpublic concern over ftx’sstability, causing a sudden drop in the price of the ftx token anda run onthe bank by customers who kept funds in the exchange.
cryptocurrency /?kr?pto?k??r?nsi/ n.(公共网络的,而非政府发行的)加密电子货币(使用加密法确保付款安全支付及收取);数字货币;
exchange /?ks?t?e?nd?/ n. 交易所;
collapse /k??l?ps/ vi. 倒塌,塌下;崩溃,瓦解;突然倒下,昏倒;
shining /??a?n??/ adj. 发光的,反光的;(成就)辉煌的,(品质)出色的;
multibillionaire /?m?lti?b?lj??ner/ n. 财富达数十亿(美元或英镑)的人;
once-in-a-generation/w?ns ?n ??d?en??re??(?)n/ adj. 千载难逢的;一个世代只有一次的;
rub shoulders with 与……接触,并肩;
congresspeople /?kɑ??ɡr?s?pi?pl/ n. 美国国会议员,议员(尤指众议院议员,congressperson 的复数);
call for 需要(某种行为或对待方式);呼吁,提倡,要求;
thoughtful /?θ??tfl/ adj. 体贴入微的,考虑周到的;为他人着想的;做有益于他人的;
regulatory /?reɡj?l?t??ri/ adj. 管理的;控制的;调整的;
mainstream /?me?nstri?m/ n.(思想或行为的)主流;
wheel /wi?l/ n. 轮子,车轮;
lightbulb /?la?tb?lb/ n. 电灯泡;
miss out on 错过机会;错失了……;
the next big thing 下一个大项目;下一个火爆的项目;下一个风口;
tout /ta?t/ vt. 兜售;招徕;
downturn /?da?nt??rn/ n.(商业经济的)下降,衰退期;
seemingly /?si?m??li/ adv. 看来似乎,表面上看;
a pile of 一堆;很多;
floundering /?fla?nd?r??/ adj. 挣扎的;
swoop in 乘虚而入;抓取;
savior /’se?vj?r/ n. 救世主;救星;救助者;
span /sp?n/ n. 时间跨度,一段时间;
empire /?empa??r/ n. 帝国;大企业,大集团;君权,最高统治权;
crash down朝下猛撞,哗啦一声或咔嚓倒下或

balance sheet资产负债表;
quantitative /?kwɑ?nt?te?t?v/ adj. 数量的,量化的,定量的;
allegedly /??led??dli/ adv. 据称;假设;依其申述;据说;
portion /?p??r?n/ n.(某物的)一部分;(尤指餐馆中食物的)一份,一客;(责任、过失、职责等的)一份,一部分;
asset /??set/ n. 资产;有用的东西;有利条件;优点,有价值的人或物;财产;
denominate /d??nɑ?m?ne?t/ vt. 为……命名;把……称作……;
token /?to?k?n/ n. 代币;记号;表征;
intertwine /??nt?r?twa?n/ vt. 纠缠;编结;缠绕;
substantial /s?b?st?n?l/ adj. 大量的,价值巨大的;牢固的,结实的;基本的,实质性的;
ties /ta?z/ n. 联系;关系;
binance n. 币安网(区块链资产交易平台);
sell off 廉价出清(存货);
buy back 产品返销;补偿交易;补进;回购(尤指公司回购自己的股份);
intensify /?n?tens?fa?/ vt. 加剧,增强;
stability /st??b?l?ti/ n. 稳定(性),稳固(性);
a run on 挤兑;银行挤兑;
文本选自:the guardian(卫报)
作者:molly white
原文发布时间:16 nov. 2022
the shortest answer is doing.

