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self introduction. tell me something about yourself.
  good afternoon professors, it’s an honor to be standing here participating in your interview. my name is li ming, a graduate student from chemical university of china who majors in material chemistry. as a student, i cherished the opportunity to learn more knowledge in the university so in the past four years i tried my best to master much expertise as i can and finally my efforts got reward. i got a 4.6 gpa in my university study and passed cet 4 at the grade of 580 and cet 6 at 602. also, i passed ncre computer test level ii in c language.
  i became curious about chemistry since junior high. i was attracted by the mysterious reactions when different chemical compounds get mixed, theamazing structure as well as the application for everyday life so i chose material chemistry as my major. with the advanced facilities in my university,i could study experimental methods and learn advanced chemical technologies systematically and therefore have a complete structure about material chemistry.
  my graduate paper is different ferrite isolated from culturable bacteria from chilean coastal waters, aiming to synthesize the current studiesto figure out the transformation process of ferrite in mesopelagic zone. i havedetermined five kinds of ferrite that impact greatly on the mesopelagic zone byfar, and i will analyze the potential role they play in midwater area.
  as an outgoing person, i also take part in various extracurricular activitiesto broaden my horizon and improve my social skills as well. i worked as the leader of the student union for two years, organizing many interesting but meaningful activities such as “a snapshot of sewage disposal plant” to help participants learn more about the disposal procedure of treatment plant and improve the environmental awareness as well. also, i am good at english and was honored as the excellent debater in the university english debate contest last year.
  to make sure i won’t waste too much time pondering what i should do in the future, i have a clear plan for my prospect. first of all, i will develop the habit as a good researcher in my postgraduate studies such as forming a critical thinking system by reading preeminent scientific papers and cultivating rigorous experimental habits. i shall pass tofel test at a high grade and get prepared to further my doctor study in usa. after that i will return to my motherland and work as a university teacher to spread advanced knowledge to more people who are interested in chemistry.
  it is truly a privilege to have the chance to be here presenting myself-introduction as a candidate. if i get accepted by chemical department, iwill try my best to study more knowledge as i can and make my plan come true.
  thank you for your listening!
  good afternoon professors, it’s an honor to be standing here participating in your interview.
  it’s an honor to be… 非常侥幸…
  participatein 参加
  as a student,i cherished the opportunity to learn more knowledge in the university so in thepast four years i tried my best to master much expertise as i can and finallymy efforts got reward.
  cherish the opportunity to do珍惜做…的机缘
  master much expertise 掌控更多专业常识
  get reward 得到奖赏
  as an outgoingperson, i also take part in various extra curricular activities tobroaden my horizon and improve my social skills as well.
  extra curricular activities 课外活动
  broaden one’shorizon 拓宽视界
  to make sure iwon’t waste too much time ponderingwhat i should do in the future, i have aclear plan for my prospect.
  waste too muchtime doing 在…上浪费太多时刻
  ponder 衡量,沉思,细心思考
  prospect 前景
  it is truly aprivilege to have the chance to be here presenting my self-introduction as acandidate.
  it is truly aprivilege to… 非常感谢…
  present self-introduction 做毛遂自荐
  candidate 候选
  unlike many students, my major is industrial designing, a major that is not popular within our country yet has the great potential to be one in the future. industrial designing is an interesting discipline which combines the requirement of the clients who want to put new products into industrial production and the inner aesthetic structure to design products. to achieve this objective, i need to have a thorough understanding about the history about artistic development, nowadays popular beauty standard and the ability to transform them into products. also, to make sure that my design can be comprehended by my clients, i should have the ability to express my thoughts to them by professional software such as cad, ai and photoshop. moreover, i should have the ability to introduce my idea, which requires numerous exercises of speech.
  as a matter of fact, i truly enjoy the opportunity to work as an industrial designer. first of all, industrial designing gives me the chance to recreate the products to improve their qualities. by abnegating the unwieldy part of the existing product and making it into a more practical form, i can refresh the way that people view the products. dyson’s hairdryer is a good example for industrial designing. by abandoning the heating wires within the hairdryer, dyson designed an amazing hairdryer that avoids scorched hair and provides a much gentler wind mode to dry hair, which successfully evolve the hairdryer. apart from that, i can approach to lots of innovative ideas when i communicate with my classmate and my mentor. i can give up some futile designs quickly and learn more useful concepts that make my designs more realistic. during the process of industrial designing, i can feel the sheer pleasure of being a creator.
  every profession will have itsmiserable times, industrial designing also has its ones. to confirm my design can be applied into industrial production, we need to communicate with clients patiently according to their requirements, which may bring some modifications that contradict with the previous design or are impossible to realize due to technological limitations. there were times we needed to overturn the former design completely and devise a totally new one. i, however, would gladly endure the hardship and regard it as a challenge which can improve my ability. after all, every designer may encounter this problem and what an excellent designer should do is to overcome it.
  thank you for your listening!
  unlike many students, my major is industrial designing, a major that is not that popular within our country yet has the great potential to be one in the future.
  industrial designing is an interesting discipline which combines the requirement of the clients who want to put new products into industrial production and the inner aesthetic structure to design products.
  an interesting discipline 一个风趣的学科
  combines … and… 将…和…联系在一同
  to achieve this objective, i need to have a thorough understandingabout the history about artistic development, nowadays popular beauty standard and the ability to transform them into products.
  为了抵达这个意图,我需要对艺术打开史,现代盛行的美学标准有充分的了解和将他们转化成产品的才能。to achieve this objective 抵达这个意图have a thorough understanding about… 关于…有充分的了解the ability to do有才能去做
  transform … into … 把…转化成…
  also, to make sure that my design can be comprehended by my clients, i should have the ability to express my thoughts to them by professional software such as cad, ai and photoshop.
  一起,为了保证我的客户可以了解我的方案,我大约具有把我的主意经过专业的软件例如cad, ai and photoshop表达的才能。
  express one’s thoughts to… 表达或人的主意去做某事
  by abnegating the unwieldy part of the existing product and making it into a more practical form, i can refresh the way that people view the products.
  经过摒弃现存产品中不真实际的有些,并将它转化成更切合实践的方法,我可以重塑我们关于产品的知道。abnegating the unwieldy part of… 摒弃不真实际的有些
  refresh the way that… 换一种方法去做…
  apart from that, i can approach to lots of innovative ideas when i communicate with my classmate and my mentor.
  除了这个,当我同我的同学、教师们交流时我能获得许多的立异主意。apart from that… 除了这个
  approach to… 接近,获得…的办法
  during the process of industrial designing, i can feel the sheer pleasure of being a creator.
  在工业方案进程中,我能感遭到作为创造者的朴实的愉悦。feel the sheer pleasure of doing 感触做某事朴实的愉悦

when and where did(will) you graduate? what qualifications have you obtained?
  thank you for the question.
  i am a junior student and i get my undergraduate life started in 2016. i have been studying at the xxx university for 3 years. as i am taking a full-time undergraduate course, i will graduate from university in 2021. i have a great time studying there these years and i will always appreciate the teaching from the teachers and the assistance from my schoolmates.
  i keep working hard to reach the goal of the academic training so when i get enough credits, i will graduate on time to obtain two certificates at the same time. one is of the diploma and the other is of the bachelor’s degree. since i major in law so i will become a bachelor of law at that time, i am looking forward to that moment.
  i have already graduated from xxx university in 2021 as i enrolled in 2014. i spent four years to finish the full-time undergraduate course. i had a great time studying there in the last couple of years and i will always appreciate the teaching from the teachers and the assistance from my schoolmates.
  i kept working hard to reach the goal of academic training, so i graduated on time with a high-grade point. i was excited to obtain the two certificates, one is of the diploma and the other is of the bachelor’s degree. since i majored in law, i have become a bachelor of law since then.
  i am a junior student and i get my undergraduate life started in 2016.
  junior student 大三学生
  i have been studying in the xxx university for 3 years.
  have been doing sth for + 时刻长 如今结束进行时,标明对迄今中止的动作进行的总结
  as i am taking a full-time undergraduate course, i will graduate from university in 2021.
  a full-time undergraduate course 全日制就是full-time,所以非全日制就是part-time
  i have a great time studying there these years and i will always appreciate the teaching from the teachers and the assistance from my schoolmates.
  have a good(great) time doing 做某事很开心
  appreciate 谢谢
  assistance 协助
  i keep working hard to reach the goal of the academic training so when i get enough credits, i will graduate on time to obtain two certificates at the same time.
  the goal of the academic training 学术(大学)培训的方针
  credit 学分
  one is of the diploma and the other is of the bachelor’s degree.
  since i major in law so i will become a bachelor of law at that time, i am looking forward to that moment.
  major in 主修
  bachelor of +类别,就是该类另外学士
  i have already graduated from xxx university in 2021 as i enrolled in 2014.
  我2014年 开学,因而我已于2021年从xx大学结业。
  enroll 挂号入学
  i had a great time studying there in the last couple of years and i will always appreciate the teaching from the teachers and the assistance from my schoolmates.
  the last couple of years 迩来几年
  i kept working hard to reach the goal of academic training, so i graduated on time with a high-grade point.
  i was excited to obtain the two certificates, one is of the diploma and the other is of the bachelor’s degree. since i majored in law, i have become a bachelor of law since then.

what social responsibilities should a postgraduate take?
  thanks for the question!
  being a qualified post graduate in my eyes,first of all, we should concentrate on what we are studying and try our best to make some achievements in the field.students ought to play the primary role in studying ,which is also the most important social responsibility for us. so, we are supposed to make reasonable arrangements and spend most of the time taking classes,reading books,attending lectures and academic conferences.
  if time permitting,i am also considering how to help those people who are in desperate need of knowledge,like volunteering to teach children in remotely mountainous areas. this is a more practical way of realizing the value of knowledge in my view.
  at last, i , from an ordinary working-class family, hope to reduce my parents’ burdens in return for their support of my study.i may participate in some spare-time job on campus when available.
  1. thanks for the question!
  2. being a qualified post graduate in my eyes,first of all, we should concentrate on what we are studying and try our best to make some achievements in the field.students ought to play the primary role in studying ,which is also the most important social responsibility for us. so, we are supposed to make reasonable arrangements and spend most of the time taking classes,reading books,attending lectures and academic conferences.
  1. qualified:合格的
  2. concentrateon:专心于…
  3. oughtto :大约,应当,更偏重责任
  4. makereasonable arrangements:做出合理组织
  5. attendlectures:参加讲座
  6. academicconference:学术会议
  3. if time permitting,i am also considering how to helpthose people who are in desperate need of knowledge,like volunteering toteach children in remotely mountainous areas. this is a more practicalway of realizing the value of knowledge in my view.
  7. iftime permitting:假守时刻答应…
  8. indesperate need of :极度盼望…
  9. inremotely mountainous areas:偏僻山区
  10. realizethe value of knowledge:完成常识的价值
  4. at last, i , from an ordinaryworking-class family, hope to reduce my parents’ burdens in return fortheir support of my study.i may participate in some spare-time job on campuswhen available.
  11. inreturn for:酬谢
  12. oncampus:在学校内
  13. available:有空的

what impressed you most when you were at university?
  well. during ourmilitary training, every one of us got an army green quilt from the departmentof the logistics of the university. the quilt was old and the filled cottonsmelled extremely bad. the quilt was stacked into a cube and nobody had everused it. after the military training finished, we moved to the new dormitory,and the dispose of the quilts became a problem. since no one could bear thesmell of the quilts, we decided to abandon them at last.
  however,when we were on the way to drop the quilts, we met many itinerant porters,known as “bang-bang” in chongqing, downstairs in the dormitory. they repeatedly confirmed with us that we didn’t want these quilts anymore, then they took the quilts away with great delight. “these quilts are in good condition, we will take them home, thank you so much.” they said to us.
  i was shocked at that moment. i suddenly realized that there were still many peoplein society who have not lived a good life. we still have a long way to fight against poverty. from that day on, i woke up from the dreams of the consumer society and put more effort into helping the poor.
  well.during our military training, every one of us got an army green quilt from the department of the logistics of the university.
  口语对话进行中不必每次都谢谢疑问,可以用well接话,或许答复good question.
  military training 军训
  department of logistics 后勤处
  however, when we were on the way to drop the quilts, we met many itinerant porters, known as “bang-bang” in chongqing,downstairs in the dormitory.
  on the way to do sth 在做…的路上
  itinerant 活动的
  known as 被称为,以……而著称
  they repeatedly confirmed with us that we didn’t want these quilts anymore, then they took the quilts away with great delight.
  repeatedly 再三
  with great delight 非常高兴,满心欢欣
  i was shocked at that moment.i suddenly realized that there were still many people in society who have not lived a good life.we still have a long way to fight againstpoverty.
  be shocked 震动
  live a good life 过上好日子
  have a long way to do sth 做某事还有很长的路
  from that day on, i woke up from the dreams of the consumer society and put more effort into helping the poor.
  consumer society 花费社会
  put effort into doing sth 花费很大精力做某事

do you think the subjects you arestudying today are relevant to present-today society? why?
  thank you for your question.
  i major in psychology, a subject that focuses on researching human mental stateand the related behavior influenced by different spiritual conditions, givingconsideration to both theoretical research as well as practical application. inthe nowadays society, my subjects are now becoming more and more relevant tothe society, covering the fields of nation-building to ordinary life. myreasons are as follows.
  in the first place, psychology can help promote equity and justice in our society.looking back to the trials of crimes, we can find many criminals got thepunishments which mismatched the crimes they committed due to the lack ofaccurate mental description that could simulate their mindsets and the misjudgments of their attitude after being arrested. atpresent, this awkward situation is resolved by combining psychologicalassessment into the regulations of laws, but the misjudgments keep coming upbecause of the low level of psychological development. thus we can alleviatethis phenomenon and build a more harmonious society through progressingpsychological research.
  also,psychology can be applied for mental adjustments. with the fast developmenttaking place in our great country, many of us have less time to release ourpressure but face more difficult tasks to deal with, which makes the generalmental health worse than before. once upon a time, up to 14 workers fromfoxconn factory jumped off the building to end their lives in merely ten monthsbecause of high pressure caused by intense work. the same thing also occurs instudents who fail to release their stress properly. numerous agonizing factswarn us of the importance of relaxation. if they can learn to adjust themselvesfrom psychology, there won’t be so many heartbreaking tragedies in the world.
  psychologyshows more relevance when it comes to daily life. in my view, learning basicpsychological knowledge is of vital importance. we can change our emotion bysimply changing the surrounding colors because our perceptions will responsedifferently to different colors. moreover, many swindlers use the psychologicalweakness including our kindness as well as greediness to deceive many of us.with psychological principles in mind, we can see through these tricks bysimple psychological deductions and there will be less of us grieving at frauds.needless to say how much you will profit from psychology if you learn to knowwhat the headhunter think, how to cooperate with others at work or how to dealwith complicated interpersonal relationships.
  that’s it, thank you.
  ①i major in psychology, a subject that focuses on researching human mental stateand the related behavior influenced by different spiritual conditions,giving consideration to both theoretical research as well as practical application.
  major in… 主修
  give consideration to…思考到,顾及
  theoretical research 理论研讨
  practical application 实践使用
  ②in the nowadays society, my subjects are now becoming more and morerelevant to the society, covering the fields of nation-building to ordinary life.
  in the nowadays society 在当今社会
  be relevant to… 和。。。有关
  ordinary life 往常日子
  ③in the first place, psychology can help promote equity and justice in our society.
  in the first place 首要
  equityand justice 公正与正义
  ④looking back to the trials of crimes, we can find many criminals got the punishments which mismatched the crimes they committed due to the lack of accurate mental description that could simulate their mindsets and the misjudgments of theirattitude after being arrested.
  look back to 回想
  get punishments 得到赏罚
  due to 因为,归因于
  simulate mindsets 仿照心态
  ⑤at present, this awkward situation is resolved by combining psychologicalassessment into the regulations of laws, but the misjudgments keep coming upbecause of the low level of psychological development.
  ⑥with the fast development taking place in our great country, many of us have lesstime to release our pressure but face more difficult tasks to deal with, whichmakes the general mental health worse than before.
  take place in 发生在
  release pressure 开释压力
  mental health 心思安康
  ⑦with psychological principles in mind, we can see through these tricks by simple psychological deductions and there will be less of us grieving atsubtlefrauds.
  in mind 时刻记住
  see through 识破
  psychological deductions 心思推理
  grieve at 对…感到哀痛(或担忧)
  ⑧needless to say how much you will profit from psychology if you learn to know what theheadhunter think, how to cooperate with others at work or how to deal with complicated interpersonal relationships.
  needless to say 更不必说
  cooperate with… 和。。。协作
  complicated interpersonal relationships 凌乱的人际联络

what are your job prospects?
  thanks for the question!
  frankly speaking,i can’t make sure what i will do three years later because the world changes so fast every day. basically, i have two job prospects floating in mymind now. one is to be a reporter,and the other is to pursuefor a phd degree and teach in a university.
  i have signed up for the postgraduate entrance examination of journalism this year due to my deeply love and aspiration for this career. i have dreamed to be an investigation reporter and made some commitments for the society since i was young. however, as you know, the impact of new media and ai has enhanced the requirements of professional journalists and many excellent predecessors have been forced to transfer jobs.though demanding and challenging ahead, i am still willing to arm myself with more expertised knowledge for this job.that’s also one of the reasons why i choose your uni for further study.
  also, i imagine that my academic potential andinterest can be well developed under the guidance of such excellent professors in your university. if possible, i am eager to swim moredeeply in the ocean of knowledge and truth.
  thanks for the question!
  frankly speaking,i can’t make sure what i will do three years later because the world changes so fast every day. basically, i have two job prospects floating in my mind now. one is to be a reporter,and the other is to pursue for a phd degree and teach in a university.
  1. frankly speaking:率直讲,也可以换成“to be frank”
  2. pursue for a phd degree:读博;“pursue for a master degree”,读研
  i have signed up for the postgraduate entrance examination of journalism this year due to my deeply love and aspiration for this career. i have dreamed to be an investigation reporter and made som ecommitments for the society since i was young. however, as you know, the impactof new media and ai has enhanced the requirements of professional journalists and many excellentpredecessors have been forced to transfer jobs.though demanding and challenging ahead, i am still willing to arm myself with more expertised knowledge for this job.that’s also one of the reasons why i choose your uni for further study.
  3. sign up for:报名…考试
  4. postgraduate entrance examination:研讨生入学考试
  5. aspiration:志趣、抱负
  6. predecessor:长辈
  7. transfer jobs:转行
  also, i imagine that my academic potential and interest can be well developed under the guidance of such excellentprofessors in your university. if possible, i am eager to swim moredeeply in the ocean of knowledge and truth.
  8. develop interest and potential in…:培育…方面的快乐喜爱和潜力,语句顶用的是被逼。
  9. be eager to do sth:激烈地盼望做…

tell mesomething about your interests
  actually,i have many interests.
  i like traveling. the reason why most people like it is that they can feel the beauty of the nature and breath the fresh air at the same time, but mine is a little bit different. i am fond of traveling because it’s a great way to broaden my horizon, through which we can learn about diverse cultures of the world and even experience another kind of live.
  you can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. i quite agree with this saying. so, when my body is at home, my soul will be on the way by reading books, which has become a necessary part of my daily life.books are my good friends. they also broaden my scope and bring me into this wonderful world, sometimes, a fantastic world. i love magic novels most and ican still remember my father brought me the whole series of harry potter for my birthday present at the age of 12. from then on, i fell in love with reading.
  i enjoy my hobbies, it’s my hobbies that offer me an opportunity to do something interesting and meaningful. meanwhile, they provide me with a chance to be a better man.
  that’sall, thanks for listening.
  actually,i have many hobbies.
  i like traveling. the reason why most peoplelike it is that they can feel the beauty of the nature and breath the fresh airat the same time, but mine is a little bit different.
  the reason why…… ……的缘由
  i am fond of traveling because it’s a great way to broaden my horizon, through which we can learn about diverse cultures ofthe world and even experience another kind of live.
  be fond of/enjoy 喜爱,喜爱
  broaden my horizon/scope 开阔视野
  diverse cultures 多元文明
  you can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way.
  i quite agree with this saying.
  so, when my body is at home, my soul will be on the way by reading books, which has become a necessary part of my daily life.
  a necessary part of my daily life 日子中不可以短少的/重要的有些,离别简略的important
  books are my good friends. they also broaden my scope and bring me into this wonderful world, sometimes, a fantastic world.
  wonderful 夸姣的
  fantastic 奇幻的
  i love magic novels most and i can still remember my father brought me the whole series of harry potter for my birthday present at the age of 12. from then on, i fell in love with reading.
  magic novels 魔幻小说,不一样于sciencenovel(科幻小说)
  i enjoy my hobbies, it’s my hobbies that offerme an opportunity to do something interesting and meaningful. meanwhile, they provide me with a chance to be a better man.
  it’s……that…… 偏重句型
  that’s all, thanks for listening.

how do you afford your tuition?
  my parents both have regular jobs hence to some extent, i can rely on them. however, as i am an adult, i’m not willing to stay under their wings anymore. to afford my tuition, i have done a lot of preliminary work, including searching for information online and asking my friends who live independently for advice. i have summarized the methods i learned and made the decision that i know there is an online app which hires undergraduates to be part-time private teachers. as i can teach all the subjects in primary school and junior school, i will get paid approximately 50 yuan per hour. the subjects become much more difficult in senior high school, so i can only teach english and math, but the hourly wage will rise to 80 yuan per hour. during the holiday, i can work up to 6 hours a day and during the study periods, the time management can be flexible as my young students themselves also have to go to school. therefore, i can earn plenty of money in the vacation and after that, i will arrange my timetable to ensure that my own study will not be affected by this part-time job.
  my parents both have regular jobs hence to some extent, i can rely onthem.
  regular job 标准作业
  hence 因而
  to some extent 在某种程度上
  rely on sb. 依托或人
  however, as i am an adult, i’m not willing to stay under their wings anymore.
  to afford my tuition, i have done a lot of preliminary work, including searching for information online and asking my friends who live independently for advice.
  preliminary work 前期作业
  live independently 独立日子
  i have summarized the methods i learned and made the decision that i know there is an online app which hires undergraduates to be part-time private teachers.
  summarize 总结
  private teacher 家庭教师
  as i can teach all the subjects in primary school and junior school, i will get paid approximately 50 yuan per hour.
  approximately 大约
  the subjects become much more difficult in senior high school, so i can only teach english and math, but the hourly wage will rise to 80 yuan per hour.
  hourly wage 时薪
  during the holiday, i can work up to 6 hours a day and during the study periods, the time management can be flexible as my young students themselves also have to go to school.
  up to 一向到,最高
  study period 学习时刻,肄业时刻
  time management 时刻组织
  flexible 活络
  therefore, i can earn plenty of money in the vacation and after that, i will arrange my timetable to ensure that my own study will not be affected by this part-time job.
  plenty of 满足
  timetable 时刻表
  ensure 保证

describe your greatest strength and weakness.
  well,thanks forthe question!
  in my view, i’m a pragmatic person,willing to focus on the current thing and optimize it. recalling my undergraduate times when i was making some videos or news programs, i would always amend them for many times until i’m totally satisfied. i can bear hardships and cooperate well with other people, with all the makings of awell-done job.this may be trained by the teamwork and practice inside and outside the campus.
  nobody is perfect.i can never eschew my shortcomings. as a matter of fact, i‘m not good at time management, which may result from my insistence on one thing,i guess.sometimes,when i’m immersed in my task,i will not stop it until it has been completed. as a result, my schedule is often tight, sometimes losing balance between life and study. i am trying hard to get over with this and act myself decisively and effectively.
  well,thanks for the question!
  in my view, i’m a pragmatic person,willing to focus on the current thing andoptimize it. recalling my undergraduate times when i was making some videos or news programs, i would always amend them for many times until i’m totally satisfied. i can bear hardships and cooperate well with other people, with all the makings of a well-done job.this may be trained by the teamwork and practice inside and outside the campus.
  1. pragmatic:务实的,也可以和常见的“down to earth ”替换。
  2. optimize:使…最优化,这儿的意思就是:“做到完满”。
  3. amend:批改、修订;可以和“correct”替换。
  4. bear hardships:打败困难。
  5. all the makings of:有最大的可以性,文中的意思就是,尽最大可以结束好使命。
  nobody is perfect. i can never eschew my shortcomings. as a matter of fact, i‘m not good at time management, which may result from my insistence on one thing,i guess. sometimes,when i’m immersed in my task,i will not stop it until it has been completed. as a result, my schedule is often tight, sometimeslosing balance between life and study. i am trying hard to get over with this and act myself decisively and effectively.
  6. eschew shortcomings:躲避困难,“eschew” 标明躲避…
  7. be immersed in:标明“沉溺在…中”,可以和“focus on,concentrate on”替换
  8. lose balance between life and study:失掉“学习和日子的平衡”
  9. decisively :决断地,比方:he always think quickly and acts decisively .他老是思维灵敏,行为英勇。

  thanksfor your question.
  honestly speaking i am quite content with my progress in my university studies. as a freshman in architecture, i have accumulated considerable professional knowledge for prospective application. thanks to a great deal of exercises i mastered many modeling software in a very short time. also, i have built several pro rata constructions to learn about basic skills about reality modeling. besides,i made use of the extracurricular life in the university to do some meaningful things such as traveling, participating in academic forum, applying for internship in related studios as well as reading classic guides of designing, which not only broadened my horizon but also made me have a better understanding of what i have learned. i have become a student who gets more interested in what he majors in and knows what to do to improve himself.
  satisfiedas i am in terms of my previous improvement, i do have to admit that there are much i can do in the future. first of all, i am not familiar with the whole designing procedure of constructing a new building, which is crucial for aqualified architect. moreover, i should improve my sketching skills to make sure that my ideas can be understood correctly. thirdly, learning more architecture styles is also of vital importance because only by acquiring more styles can i find mine in the future. furthermore, improving the understanding of interior designing can help me with comprehending the relationship between interior decoration and exterior design. knowing what i have done and how ishould do to improve myself give me the confidence to dig in my major, i believe that i will gain satisfactory achievements in the future.
  thankyou for your listening!
  honestly speaking i am quite content with my progress in my university studies.
  honestly speaking 率直地说
  be content with… 满足于……
  as a freshman in architecture, i have accumulated considerable professional knowledge for prospective application.作为建筑学专业的菜鸟,我堆集了恰当多的专业常识,为将来的使用做好了预备。
  freshman 菜鸟,重生,大学一大学学生
  accumulate considerable professional knowledge 堆集了恰当多的专业常识
  prospective application 将来的使用
  also,i have built several pro rata constructions to learn about basic skillsabout reality modeling.
  pro rata 按比例
  basic skills 根柢技能
  reality modeling 缔造实体模型
  besides,i made use of the extracurricular life in the university to do some meaningful things such as traveling, participating in academic forum,applying for internship in related studios as well as reading classic guides of designing, which not only broadened my horizon but also made me have a better understanding of what i have learned.
  make use of 使用
  extracurricular life 课外日子
  participate in academic forum 参加学术论坛
  apply for internship 请求实习
  broaden my horizon 扩展了我的视界
  have a better understanding of… 有了更深的晓得
  thirdly,learning more architecture styles is also of vital importance because only byacquiring more styles can i find mine in the future.
  be of vital importance… 很重要
  furthermore,improving the understanding of interior designing can help me with comprehending the relationship between interior decoration andexterior design.
  interior designing 室内方案
  interior decoration 室内装饰
  exterior design 外部方案

if you failed this time what will you do inthe near future?
  well, i really don’t like this question. i always imagine that i have passed this interview and got a postgraduate admission notice, but i refuse to recognize there is achance that my name may not be on the admission list. because of this, if ifail in this examination, the first thing i am supposed to do is to adjust my mind, maybe to travel, maybe to sing in ktv all night, maybe to talk things outwith my friends or teachers. and then, i will convince myself of my failure.facing with bad results, we young people often blame objective factors. however,the problem lies with us in fact. so, if i lose this time, i think i shouldendeavor to accept it.
  after that i will reflect on the reasons why i did not pass the exam. did i have the determination to pass this examination? have i done everything correctly according to my plan? did i have a reasonable schedule? and finally, i will ponder over one of the most important questions: should i take the postgraduate entrance examination again?
  it’s hard to find an answer to this question, i know. but i think the purpose of hard study is to find a good job, at least for the professional masters. therefore i will look for a job and try to live a life away from campus. i am sure i can understand what i want through this experience. if i can get well with the rhythm of work,maybe i will choose to start work temporarily.
  but in any case iwill take the postgraduate entrance examination again in the future. because ireally like this major, and i am eager to learn more about this field.diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge, hard-working is the boat tothe endless sea of learning. and i believe i’m ready to learn as a graduate student..
  that’s all,thank you.
  well, i really don’t like this question.
  i always imagine that i have passed thisinterview and got a postgraduate admission notice, but i refuse to recognizethere is a chance that my name may not be on the admission list.
  pass the interview
  postgraduate admission notice
  there is a chance
  admission list
  because of this, if i fail in this examination, the first thing i am supposed to do is to adjust my mind, maybe totravel, maybe to sing in ktv all night, maybe to talk things out with my friendsor teachers.
  postgraduate entrance examination
  and then, i will convince myself of my failure.
  convince somebody of something
  facing with bad results, we young people often blame objective factors. however, the problem lies with us in fact. so, if i losethis time, i think i should endeavor to accept it.
  facing with……
  the problem lies with us
  endeavor to
  after that i will reflect on the reasons why i did not pass the exam. did i have the determination to pass this examination?have i done everything correctly according to my plan? did i have a reasonable schedule? and finally, i will ponder over one of the most important questions:should i take the postgraduate entrance examination again?
  after that
  reasonable schedule
  ponder over
  it’s hard to find an answer to this question, i know. i think the purpose of hard study is to find a good job, at least for the professional masters.
  at least
  therefore i will look for a job and try tolive a life away from campus. i am sure i can understand what i want through this experience. if i can get well with the rhythm of work, maybe i will chooseto start work temporarily.
  live a life away from campus
  rhythm of work
  but in any case i will take the postgraduate entrance examination again in the future. because i really like this major, and i am eager to learn more about this field.
  in any case
  be eager to
  diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge, hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning.
  and i believe i’m ready to learn as a graduatestudent. that’s all, thank you.

describe the best/worst team of which youhave been amember.
  the best team i have ever participated in is the law school society during my undergraduate study. this is a very warm collective. as a whole, we have a common goal, and everyone works hard for it.at the same time, we have a very good leader, he is gentle and kind, and very responsible. he always encourages everyone to share their opinions, we often have brainstorm, and he will use his experience and vision to help us summarize to find the best way. after the leader assigns the tasks, each of us will actquickly, and the strong action makes the team efficient, so the activities orprojects held by us are always exceptionally successful. everyone in the society is proud of it.
  in contrast, i have participated in acharity team with the goal of helping the old people who have no children to take care of them. however, the people involved in this team do not have enough responsibility. the activities are often to be half-finished. the leaders in the team often find various reasons to cover up their mistakes. members always don’t take their tasks seriously. the whole team is in disarray.
  therefore, when i select a team in the future, responsibility and the efficiency of teamwork will be the main elements for me. only fighting side by side can bring success.
  the best team i have ever participated in is the law school society during my undergraduate study.
  ●participate in 参加
  this is a very warm collective.
  ●collective 集体
  as a whole, we have a common goal, and everyone works hard for it.
  ●a common goal 一起方针(tip:记住common的共附和思,有助于了解更多单词,举例:commonwealth,共和国,联邦)
  at the same time, we have a very good leader, he is gentle and kind, and very responsible.
  he always encourages everyone to share their opinions, we often have brainstorm, and use his experience and vision to help us summarize to find the best way.
  ●brainstorm 脑筋风暴
  ●summarize 总结
  after the leader assigns the tasks, each of us will act quickly, and the strong action makes the team efficient, so the activities or projects held by us are always exceptionally successful. everyonein society is proud of it.
  ●assign 分配(tip: 所以名词assignment就是作业,使命)
  ●efficient 高效
  ●exceptionally 异常地,特别地,分外地
  ●be proud of 为…感到骄傲
  in contrast, i have participated in acharity team with the goal of helping the old people who have no children to take care of them.
  ●in contrast 与之相反
  however, the people involved in this team do not have enough responsibility.
  ●(get/be) involved in 参加,卷进
  the activities are often to behalf-finished.
  ●half-finished 半制品
  the leaders in the team often find various reasons to cover up their mistakes.
  ●various 林林总总的(tip:词根vary,名词variety)
  members always don’t take their tasks seriously.
  the whole team was in disarray.
  ●be in disarray 堕入紊乱,一盘散沙
  therefore, when i select a team in thefuture, responsibility and the efficiency of teamwork will be the main elements for me. only fighting side by side can bring success.
  ●fight side by side 并肩作战

do you think english is quite important inyou major study? why?
  i quite agree with that english is quite important in my major study.there are three reasons.
  first, english itself is a very important international language. itis the most widely used language and it has the third largest number of nativespeakers in the world, second only to chinese and spanish. english is used indeveloped countries and regins, such as the united states, canada, the unitedkingdom and europe. most of the important international academic publicationsare also in english, so if we want to publish papers in international corejournals, the english level must be excellent.
  second, my major is journalism and communication, which originatedin the united states. many of the major figures in the professional field areamericans or europeans. their writings and papers are what we should learnmost, and they are also written in english. therefore, we must learn thislanguage well so that we can actively acquire first-hand information inprofessional learning, rather than relying on other people’s translationversions.
  third, with the deepening of globalization, china has joined theworld track. in order to learn and use professional knowledge better, it isessential to master a foreign language, which will be a helper in the future.the journalism and communication industry is an open industry. now,international communication has become more and more important, and tellingchinese stories well has become an epoch mission and learning english is thekey.
  to sum up, english is very important to me, whether forself-development, professional study or future professional work.
  i quite agree with that english is quiteimportant in my major study. there are three reasons.
  first, english itself is a very importantinternational language. it is the most widely used language and it has thethird largest number of native speakers in the world, second only to chineseand spanish.
  widely used
  the third largest
  second only to
  english is used in developed countries andregins, such as the united states, canada, the united kingdom and europe. mostof the important international academic publications are also in english, so ifwe want to publish papers in international core journals, the english levelmust be excellent.
  academic publications
  publish papers
  core journals
  second, my major is journalism andcommunicatio

n, which originated in the united states.
  many of the major figures in theprofessional field are americans or europeans. their writings and papers arewhat we should learn most, and they are also written in english. therefore, wemust learn this language well so that we can actively acquire first-handinformation in professional learning, rather than relying on other people’stranslation versions.
  so that
  actively acquire first-hand information
  third, with the deepening of globalization,china has joined the world track.
  in order to learn and use professionalknowledge better, it is essential to master a foreign language, which will be ahelper in the future. the journalism and communication industry is an openindustry. now, international communication has become more and more important,and telling chinese stories well has become an epoch mission and learningenglish is the key.
  epoch mission
  to sum up, english is very important to me,whether for self-development, professional study or future professional work.

do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a post graduate?
  thanks for the question!
  i am planning it based on my interest and theoretical foundation.first, i willmake reasonable arrangements according to the curriculum, with particular attention on the study of basic theory and methodology in my field. in my spare time, i may read various books regarding journalism,communication,sociology and politics and join the reading party regularly.try to put forward creative ideas and new opinions,so that i can better communicate with my professors and counterparts.
  then,assisting my instructor with his/her work is very important and i believe it a great way to make progress. if possible, i hope to attend some academic seminars and publish a paper with high quality under the guidance of my adviser.at last, i want to have my english ability consistently improved ,which is beneficial to paper-reading ,you know.
  if i can be accepted ,i will start my postgraduate plan very soon in my rest of college time,like reading classical academic work and paper to cultivate independent thinking and research ability.i am looking forward to realizing my dream here!
  thanks for the question!
  i am planning it based on my interest and theoretical foundation.first, i willmake reasonable arrangements according to the curriculum, with particular attention on the study of basic theory and methodology in my field. in my spare time, i may read various books regarding journalism,communication,sociology and politics and join the reading party regularly.try to put forward creative ideas and new opinions,so that i can better communicate with my professors and counterparts.
  1.theoretical foundation:理论基础
  2.make reasonable arrangement:拟定合理的组织,reasonable:合理的
  4.join the reading party:参加读书会
  then,assisting my instructor with his/her work is very important and i believe it a great way to make progress. if possible, i hope to attend some academic seminars and publish a paper with high quality under the guidance of my adviser.at last, i want to have my english ability consistently improved ,which is beneficial to paper-reading ,you know.
  6.have my english ability consistently improved:have sth.improved让某事得到前进
  7.be beneficial to:对…有优点
  if i can be accepted ,i will start my postgraduate plan very soon in my rest of college time,like reading classical academic work and paper to cultivate independent thinking and research ability.i am looking forward to realizing my dream here!
  8.independent thinking and research ability:独立的思考和研讨才能,independent:独立的

tell me about a time when you made abad decision.
  thanks for your question.
  there were times when i made bad decisions and the one that i made during my graduate experiment impressed me most. it was in december when most of my classmates had finished their experiment and began to focus on writing graduate reports. i,however, had several experiments waiting to be finished due to underestimating the complexity of my task and wasting too much time on trifles. in order to end my experiment and start writing my assay as soon as possible, i decided to conduct several experiments in one day, ignoring that the chemicals used in the experiments were harmful to my health and my immune system might be on theverge of collapse by failing to discharge hazardous compounds in time. all my roommates warned me of the risk i would take but i refused to give up my plan.i got up early in the following day and stayed in the laboratory late torealize my great plan. exhausted and tired, i did finished many experiments on that day, yet i got sick for the increased workload as well as ingesting toomuch detrimental materials in a very short period. it took me two whole weeksand a huge sum of medical fees to regain my health and continue my experiment. also,the result of the experiments were unsatisfactory as i got distracted by performing too many experiments and failed to guarantee the precision, which made the things worse. eventually, i spent much more time than planned to catch up with the progress.
  i learned a lot in this bad decision. first of all, i should make better arrangements before doing everything, including assessing the workload,separating my work into executable parts and carrying out them effectively according to my plan. secondly, do consider the advice by others even if they might be wrong. last but not the least, it is important to keep an eye on my health and adjust the plan wisely. with the help of this bad decision, i will avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
  that’s it, thanks for your listening. 
  i,however, had several experiments waiting to be finished due to underestimating the complexity of my task and wasting too much time on trifles.
  ●experiments waiting to be finished 有未结束的实验
  ●due to… 因为,因为
  ●underestimatethe complexity of… 小看了…的凌乱性
  ●waste too much time on…. 在…上浪费了过多时刻
  ●trifles 杂事,琐碎的作业,不重要的事
 in order to end my experiment and start writing my assay as soon as possible, i decided to conduct several experiments in one day, ignoring that the chemicals used in the experiments were harmful to my health and my immune system might beon the verge of collapse by failing to discharge hazardous compounds in time.  为了尽早结束我的实验,初步撰写我的论文,我抉择在一天之内做多个实验,忽略了在实验顶用到的化学物质对我的安康有害,而我的免疫体系处于可以会因为不能及时排出有害物质而处于溃散边缘。
  ●conduct several experiments 做多个实验
  ●be harmful to… 对…有害
  ●be on the verge of collapse 在溃散边缘
  ●fail to do 不能做到….
  ●discharge hazardous compounds in time 及时排出有害物质
  it took me two whole weeks and a huge sum of medical fees to regain my health and continue my experiment.
  ●regain one’s health 恢复安康
  ●two whole weeks 整整两个星期
  eventually,i spent much more time than planned to catch up with the progress.
  ●spent much more time than planned 比估计花了更多时刻
  ●catch up with the progress 赶前进展
  first of all, i should make better arrangements before doing everything, including assessing the workload, separating my work into executable parts and carrying out them effectively according to my plan.
  ●make better arrangements before doing 在…前做好方案组织
  ●separate works into executable parts 将使命区别为可结束的有些
  ●carry out 实施,结束

what is the best university in your opinion?
  thanks for the question!
  yours and my undergraduate college are both the examples of good universitieson mymind.xxx was founded in xxx,with a long history and good reputation.over xxx years of remarkable growth,it has developed into one of the most influential universities in northeastern part of china.
  1.on one’s mind:在…心中
  2.a long history and good reputation:前史悠长、名誉杰出
  3.over remarkable growth:经过杰出的打开
  there is beautiful scenery and strong academic atmosphere.our campus covers an area of xxx square meters ,with flowers blooming all year round. in my major ,almost all the students are very hard-working and competitive. we would always discuss about a problem for along time after class. everyday, it’s like that we are basking in thesunshine and fragrance of nature and knowledge.
  4.academic atmosphere:学习空气、学风
  5.cover an area of…:占地…平方米
  6.bask in:沐浴在…
  what impressed me most is that it has provided us with a lot of opportunities to develop ourselves. my university always host some academic conferences and establish good relationship without side-the-campus organization. only if you feel in need ,you can apply to related departments for joining and there are clerks waiting to help you with enthusiasm.
  7.academic conferences:学术会议
  8.apply to somebody for something.向或人请求…
  now,it is working hard to achieve the goal:developingin diversified areas and becoming one of the top-ranking universities in china.i hope both of me and my uni can realize dreams!
  9.develop in diversified areas:多领域打开

what news are you concerning about recently?
  thanks for your question.
  as a student in the college of life science, i pay much attention to the news inbiological technology. recently the report of genetic editing babies caught myattention. the news is about the crazy scientist he jiankui(贺建奎), who edited genes in humanembryos and gave birth to two gene edited babies against the ethicalregulations. what he did can not be seen as the evolution of biologicalbreakthrough but a violation of the common ethic norm, which not only caused unknown risk to the world as well as bringing shame on the whole chinese scientist group. fortunately, leaders of chinese scientific fields stood outbravely to bear the responsibility and promised to investigate the casethoroughly, which minimized the negative impact in time. as far as i amconcerned, he jiankui’s irresponsible behavior is thought-provoking. what aresponsible researcher should do is to make promotion for humankind underproper experimental design instead of performing illegal experiments just forprofit and fame. we should find out the meaning of the experiment before conducting it casually.
  also,the reaction of the leaders of chinese science research made me have a better understanding of what a qualified scientists should behave. as a well-trainedscientific researcher with noble moral standard, we should not only be honestto our data but also should be responsible for the scientific findings and holdon the bottom line of regulations. with the knowledge we have, we should care more about the future of mankind consciously. we cannot turn a blind eye to theviolation operations but to get together to solve it appropriately. only by regulating the use of advanced technologies and utilizing them properly can scientists better the human living environment effectively.
  that’s it, thanks for your listening!
  as a student in the college of life science, i pay much attention to the news inbiological technology.
  ●pay much attention to 特别重视…
  the news is about the crazy scientist he jiankui(贺建奎), who edited genes in humanembryos and gave birth to two gene edited babies against the ethicalregulations.
  ●gave birth to… 使…出世
  ●againstthe ethical regulations 违背道德道德规则
  what he did can not be seen as the evolution of biological break through but aviolation of the common ethic norm, which not only caused unknown risk to the world as well as bringing shame on the whole chinese scientist group.
  ●be seen as the evolution of… 被看作…的前进
  ●violation of the common ethic norm 对道德标准的亵渎
  ●cause unknown risk to… 为…带来不知道的风险
  ●bring shame on… 使…蒙羞


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