
1.bring 的用法:1).双宾语:the mobile phone brings our life the different colors.= the mobile phone brings the different colors to our life.2).宾补:工会结束了这次对立。the labor union brings this protest to a close.= the labor union brings to a close this protest.(这个写法非常逗比,可是咱们的确见到了) = the labor union ends this protest.
2.aside 除了;(这个词是放在名词后的)
例句:fund worries aside, staff recruiting is not going well.除了资金令人忧虑之外,职工招聘也不顺畅。
3.windrush generation;英国旧日在加勒比海具有许多殖民地,二战结束后,大批加勒比海移民前往英国协助战后重建,因为最大学批移民是于1948年乘坐“帝国温德拉什”号邮轮抵达英国,因而他们也被称为“温德拉什代代”。近年,他们致使他们的子孙都被当作不合法移民,面临遣送。英辅弼特蕾莎·梅17日在辅弼府与12个加勒比海国家的领导人或外长接见会面,就作业亲自致歉,她偏重英国政府谢谢这些移民多年奉献,并招认他们有权居英,重申不会将他们驱赶出境。(我们大约发现了英国许多奥运选手是黑人,特别是田径选手。许多选手就是这个族群。)4.home office minister: 内政部长5.“hostile environment” policy:“仇视环境”方针 (就是指对移民不友爱的方针)。6.brussels 布鲁塞尔(代表的就是欧盟)就如 downing street(唐宁街) 代表英国政府相同7. tackle 处置,应对8.transparency 揭露,通明9. stems from:源于,你要记住这就是个因果词,类似的表达有: come from, spring from, originate from (前面是成果,后边是缘由)10.given:(鉴于,思考到,因为)这个表达呈现的次数比照多了啊!11. end up end up (有的时分可以加上with) 究竟变成,最终处于(一般是你不愿意的成果。)牛津例句:if he carries on driving like that, he’ll end up dead. 假定他持续这样开车,总有一天会把命都丢掉。if you go on like this you’ll end up in prison.假定你持续这样,迟早得进监狱。i end up doing all the work myself. 成果一切的活儿都是我一自个干了。no end= very much 牛津例句:it upset me no end to hear they’d split up.传闻他们要离婚,我感到非常不安。keep your end up不悲观,坚持旷达make ends meet: 坚持出入平衡at the end of the day: 提究竟12. get accustomed to = be accustomed to 习气于13.get you hooked: 使你上钩;使你入神14.characterize(动词) :是…的特征;以…为特征(典型); (英式英语的拼写为:characterise)the rolling hills characterize this part of england. 译文1:连绵高低的丘陵地是英格兰这一区域的特征。译文2:英格兰这一区域以连绵高低的丘陵地为特征。改写为被逼语态:this part of england is characterized by the rolling hills. 译文也和方才是相同的。the high youth unemployment characterised previous recessions.译文1:年青人的高赋闲率是前几回衰退的特征。译文2:前几回的衰退是以年青人的高赋闲率为特征的。改写为你们了解的被逼语态:the previous recessions are characterised by the high youth unemployment. 译文也和方才是相同的。提示:背单词不能只看汉语一次,必定要看例句,这就是我必定要你看考研1575的缘由。
15. unusually : = very 非常,不一样寻常=impossibly (这个常识点非常燃哦!)16. the relationship between president and press is not just soured. 总统和媒体的联络不只是糟糕。(也就是说非常糟糕)the infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper isn’t just expensive.(打印纸质报纸所需要的基础设备不只是贵,也就是说:非常贵。)17. young people bore the brunt of the financial crisis.词汇:bear the brunt of 首战之地(brunt冲击;首要冲力)参阅译文:经济危机中年青人首战之地。18. take a hit 遭到冲击19.zero-hours contract 零时工合同(一种新式雇佣方法,职工只在有使命时作业,随叫随到,依工时拿酬劳。一般不包括带薪病假或年假。)20.prepare a for b 让a作好应对b预备21. junk food 废物食物22.tax incentives 税收鼓励办法23.原文:but you cannot have a comprehensive strategy that looks only at diet, and ignores wider factors such as physical activity and mental health.参阅译文:你不能有这样一个全部战略,这个全部战略只重视饮食却无视了更广泛的要素,如体育训练和心思安康。 参阅译文:但全部的战略不能只重视饮食,却无视更广泛的要素,比方体育训练和心思选项:we should look only wider factors such as physical activity and mental health.(正话反说,感遭到了吧!)24. featureverb1). 以…为特征;是…的特征: the latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. 最新款式的特征是合金车轮和电子报警器。 many of the hotels featured special deals for weekend breaks. 多家旅馆都有周末假期特别优待。 2). 起重要作用;占重要方位: olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes. 橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中显得很重要。25. deserving people 需要救助的人士26.原文:but few of those arguments consider the plight of the rural areas可是稀有争论思考到村庄区域的窘境。(原文还说道这样做的成果就是疑问更糟糕。)选项:the author believes the arguments should consider the plight of the r

ural areas 正话反说:(是不是又懂了一点了!)27. there has been a consensus on the meaning of imho.关于imho的意义,我们还没有达到共同。28.unsurpassed number= record number;29.promising prospect 有期望的前景bleak future 30. obscure 掩盖;使……迷糊不清

