
五星级题型:小标题选择题  【解题办法】期间中心+选项中心词匹配
  1. 分析选项,找出中心词
  2. 逐个阅读相应期间,查找中心信息,归纳期间主旨
  3. 匹配期间中心语义和标题
  funds that invest solely in a single market sectors, called specialty funds, often have impressive returns and may be great additions to a diversified portfolio. however, the success of such funds depends largely on the fortunes of a particular market sector. hence, specialty funds probably aren’t the best way to start. for your first fund, look for a diversified stock that has exposure to different types of stocks.
  答案:not too special。

  1. 分析选项,找出中心词 (略)
  2. 逐个阅读相应期间,查找中心信息,归纳期间主旨
  本段包括两个带有逻辑联络词的语句,别离是表达转机联络的however和表达因果联络的hence,因为hence的语句呈如今however之后,就是转机之后得出结论,specialty funds probably aren’t the best way to start(专门基金很可以不是初步出资的最佳选择)。而且期间最终一句话look for a diversified stock that has exposure to different types of stocks(选择一支由不一样类型股市构成的多元股市基金)更为直接地址明晰前句话的语义。由此可知,hence地址的语句的确是本期间的中心句。
  3. 匹配期间中心语义和标题
  使用语义对应进行选择,not too special和specialty funds probably aren’t the best way to start是同义转述。

  1. 分析题干和选项,划出特征词
  2. 阅读文章,在文中符号特征词
  3. 回订亲位,匹配选项和原文信息
  their olaf street study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the mundanity that characterises most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.
  答案:olaf street study depicts the ordinary side of the british land art.
  1. 分析题干和选项,划出特征词 (略)
  2. 阅读文章,在文中符号特征词
  根据题干中的要害词可以灵敏回订亲位到第六段第四句话“their olaf street study…”,这句话的骨干有些所表达的意义是《奥拉夫街研讨》是为数不多可以体现世俗的作品,这一世俗大多时分都可以反应咱们对天然景象的领会。
  3. 回订亲位,匹配选项和原文信息
  选项e中的“depicts”是原文中“embrace”的同义替换,一起“ordinary si

de”是对原文“mundanity”和“most of our experience”的归纳,指的都是寻常的一面。
