
about unnc phd programmes


tuition and programme duration

types of study:full time / part time
tuition fees:110,000 cny per year
programme duration:
normally 3-4 years (full time)
normally 6-8 years (part time)
start date:february or september each year
课程类型:全日制 / 在职
学费:110,000 公民币 / 学年
一般需3至4年 (全日制)
一般需6至8年 (在职)

key dates


phd programmes and supervisors

programme list:

phd programme in school of economics

phd programme in school of international studies

phd programmes in school of education and english

phd programmes in school of international communications

phd programme in faculty of science and engineering

phd programme of nottingham university business school china

joint doctoral training programmes

professor alain yee loong chong
professor of information systems
dean of graduate school
“at unnc graduate school, you are joining our community of world-class scholars, outstanding students and aspiring early career researchers. we aim to produce future leaders through our innovative and rigorous research trainings, as well as providing excellent learning support and research experience through our modern libraries, labs and training centers.”

entry requirements

academic requirements
if you apply for a postgraduate research programme, you will generally need to hold at least a uk honours bachelor degree at the second class upper division (2:1), and/or a master degree at merit level or above in a relevant subject from a british university. applicants with other international qualifications should meet the equivalent of the above uk minimum entry requirement.
english language requirements
students whose first language is not english or their entry qualifications were not obtained from a country/region where english is the native language, are required to provide satisfactory evidence of their proficiency in english.

scholarship availability

we offer a wide variety of scholarships to potential phd candidates seeking to study with us. our scholarships include faculty scholarships, strategic scholarships and dtp scholarships.in

addition to the above scholarship, successful candidates also have the opportunity to carry out teaching assistant duties at unnc.
the available phd scholarship cover
· tuition fee 学费 (110,000 rmb / year)
· monthly stipend 日子费 (4,500 rmb / month)
all above items are covered for up to 36 months based on satisfactory progression
click here to find more funding opportunities
*it’s essential that you have made contact with a unnc supervisor who has agreed to supervise your research project and support your application for a scholarship before submitting your application.
*在提交奖学金请求之前,您有必要与一位附和辅导您的研讨项目并撑持您的奖学金请求的 unnc 导师获得联络。

application procedure

the main application materials prepared in advance include: application form, research proposal, transcripts of undergraduate and master’s degrees and academic certificates, letters of recommendation, and language scores. some majors require additional materials, please refer to the official website for details.
all applicants for a postgraduate research programme must submit their applications and supporting documents on application hub (oaas.nottingham.edu.cn)
application system 请求体系


?how to write a research proposal (click here for more details)
?research profiles of professors in unnc (click here for more details)

edd & mres

? 教育专业博士 (edd)
? 研讨型硕士项目 (mres)

career and employability

我校2021 届博士结业生进入出名企作业单位比率为100%。就单位性质来看,我校博士结业生去向会集于科研及教育领域,他们特别受各大高级院校的喜爱。69.4% 的博士结业生进入高级院校,在高校担任教育及科研等岗位。16.3% 的结业生在作业单位、科研方案单位中从事教育、清洁、科学研讨和技能效能。还有14.3% 的博士结业生去往公司作业。

* 计算数据来历:宁波诺丁汉大学2021/22学年作业质量年度陈述

student sharing

ishioma laurene egun
fose, phd
in reflection, i am reminded of words in the book of habakkuk, chapter 2, verse 3, which says “for the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end, it will speak.” my phd journey at unnc was one marked by resilience, challenges, setbacks, moments of introspection, and the elation that accompanied the congratulations of my examiners at the successful completion of my viva. the collaboration with the eminent chinese academy of sciences, ningbo institute of materials technology and engineering (cnitech), offered me a global platform to conduct diverse and ground-breaking research. i must express my profound gratitude to my mentors and guides, dr. di hu (unnc), professor haiyong he (cnitech), and professor george chen (unuk). their unwavering support, invaluable insights, and constant encouragement were instrumental in my academic growth. with the culmination of my phd journey, i am charged with the responsibility to translate the knowledge i have acquired into impactful research while guiding younger generation on their path to becoming independent researchers. to future unnc phd students, i would like to conclude by saying, “maintain an unwavering focus on your academic goals while embracing the beauty and experiences that life has to offer.”
回溯我的博士旅程,我想起了《哈巴谷书》第 2 章第 3 节中的一句话:”因为这默示有必定的日期,快要应验,并不虚谎”。我在宁诺的博士学习进程充溢了坚韧、应战、波折、反思以及我顺畅结束结业论文时教师们的恭喜。宁诺与我国科学院宁波材料技能与工程研讨所(cnitech)的博士联合培育项目给我供给了一个全球性的平台,让我可以打开多样化的创始性研讨。我想向我的导师和引路人胡笛博士(unnc)、何海勇教授(cnitech)和george chen教授(unuk)标明深深的谢谢。他们坚决不移的撑持、宝贵的洞见和不断的鼓舞对我的学术生长起到了至关重要的作用。跟着我的博士旅程的结束,我有责任将我所获得的常识转化为有影响力的研讨,并引领年青一代的研讨人员生长。最终,我想对将来的宁诺博士生说:“期望你们能坚决不移地专心于自个的学术方针,而且拥抱日子中的夸姣和领会。”

bojue xu
nubs china, phd
deciding to do a phd is easy, applying for a phd is difficult; self-discipline in research is easy, achieving innovative results is difficult; writing a paper is easy, publishing in journals is difficult; polishing a cv is easy, finding a satisfactory job is difficult. every phd graduands who shares a common smile has experienced different sleepless nights. here, i would like to express my sincere gratitude to my families for positively encouraging me when i was feeling down, to my supervisors (dr. zhao cai, prof. alain chong & prof. chee-wee tan) for their meticulous guidance when i encountered academic difficulties, to my friends for exploring ningbo cuisine to relax together, to the unnc graduate school staff for actively organizing various academic and entertainment activities, and to unnc for the fascinating international teaching and research environment! i love unnc forever!
may your life be filled with joy and light, and may your future shine brightly in academia.

yibo xiong
fhss, phd
i was pregnant with my daughter when i applied for the edd programme at unnc, and i complete my studies, my daughter has turned 8. being a working mother and an edd at the same time has never been easy. there were many moments when i patted and comforted my daughter to sleep with my left hand and scrolled through the readings on my phone with the other; there were also moments when i got frustrated with my thesis, but still managed to carry on right after i wiping my tears off my cheek… this thesis could never have been completed without the continued support and patience of my supervisors, professor douglas bell and professor anwei feng, especially professor douglas who was always there to guide me through so many puzzles and confusions in my writing up.
looking back, it has been a difficult road, but one that was well worth taking. i’ve grown stronger, tougher, and it seems that nothing in this world can knock me down after all the challenges i’ve been through

*content source: unnc official webpage
for any further questions on phd application, please scan the below code. we will contact you as soon as possible.
