
1.原文:on december 6th the gaggle of activists who had gathered outside the brokdorf nuclear plant, in northern germany, every month for the 36 years it had operated swapped their usual thermoses for champagne.2.分析:首要要找出语句的主句:the gaggle of activists swapped their usual thermoses for

champagne。swap a for b是固定分配,意为“用a换b”。on december 6th与in northern germany别离是时刻状语和地址状语。for the 36 years it had operated中的for标明晰时刻连续了36年,every month也是时刻状语,不过是作为who引导的定语从句中描绘对立活动的时刻状语,it had operated作the 36 years的定语,即“核电站运转的36年中,他们每个月都来”。who引导the gaggle of activists的后置定语。3.译文:12月6日,许多反核活动家集合在位于德国北部的brokdorf核电站外,但与之前36年每个月的场景不一样的是,这群人手里拿的不再是保温瓶,而是香槟酒
