
??craving freedom, japan’s women opt out of marriage




the bride wore a birthday cake of a dress, with a scalloped-edge bodice and a large hoop skirt. a veil sprouted from her black bob. moments before the wedding began, she stood quietly on a staircase, waiting to descend to the ceremony.




“wow,” she thought. “i’m really doing this.”



this was no conventional wedding to join two people in matrimony. instead, a group of nearly 30 friends gathered in a banquet room in one of tokyo’s most fashionable districts last year to witness sanae hanaoka, 31, as she performed a public declaration of her love — for her single self.



“i wanted to figure out how to live on my own,” hanaoka told the group, standing alone on a stage as she thanked them for attending her solo wedding. “i want to rely on my own strength.”



today, a growing number of japanese women are postponing or forgoing marriage, rejecting the traditional path that leads to what many now regard as a life of domestic drudgery.



the percentage of women who work in japan is higher than ever, yet cultural norms have not caught up: japanese wives and mothers are still typically expected to bear the brunt of the housework, child care and help for their aging relatives, a factor that stymies many of their careers.



fed up with the double standard, japanese women are increasingly opting out of marriage altogether, focusing on their work and newfound freedoms, but also alarming politicians preoccupied with trying to reverse japan’s declining population.



as recently as the mid-1990s, only 1 in 20 women in japan had never been married by the time they turned 50, according to government census figures. but by 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, that had changed drastically, with 1 in 7 women remaining unmarried by that age.



and for women ages 35 to 39, the percentage was even higher: nearly a quarter had never been married, compared with only about 10% two decades earlier.



last year, the number of couples getting married hit the lowest level since the end of world war ii, according to government estimates. it was the sixth straight year of decline in the nation’s marriage rate, which is falling at a much faster clip than the drop in japan’s population overall.



not surprisingly, the number of births in japan — a country where few people have children out of wedlock — is also tumbling. last year, the number of babies born in the country fell to the lowest level since at least 1899, when record-keeping began.



local governments, eager to encourage marriage and raise fertility, have started campaigns to bring couples together. “we are working on fostering a mind for marriage,” reads an ad for matchmaking tours and seminars for singles sponsored by the tokyo metropolitan government.



but for more and more japanese women — who have traditionally been circumscribed by their relationships with men, children and other family members — singlehood represents a form of liberation.




sprout [spra?t] v. 发芽;长芽;萌发

matrimony [?m?tr?mo?ni] n. 成婚;婚礼

postpone [po??spo?n] v. 推迟,推迟

preoccupy [pri?ɑ?kjupa?] v. 聚精会神

sponsor [?spɑ?ns?r] v. 赞助;建议
