
一、高文文十大必背范文 1. 环境维护类:2000 年真题(《 2021 考研英语高分写作》p.149) directions: a. study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay in at least 150words. b. your essay must be written neatly on the answer sheet2. c. your essay should meet the requirements below:?

    describe the pictures. 2. deduce the purpose of the painter of the pictures. 3. suggest counter measures.?

?as is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly that with the increase of commercial fishing, the number of fishes sharply decreased. in one picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. on the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats. the purpose of this picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease of ocean resources. owing to over-fishing, the number of fishes has obviously decreased. if we let this situation go as it is, we wont know where fish is in the future. by that time, our environment will suffer a great destruction. therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. for one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing. for another, we should enhance the awareness of people that the ocean resources are very vital to us. only in this way can we protect our ocean resourc

es. also, i believe that we human beings can overcome this difficulty, and we will have a bright future. (184 words)?
2、教育文明类:文明交流:2002 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.135)?
directions: study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “cultures—national and international”. in the essay you should?
1.describe the picture and interpret its meaning,
2. give your comments on the phenomenon.
an american girl in traditional chinese costume the picture vividly depicts a lovely american girl in traditional chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face. she wears ribbons, necklaces and other accessories that are characteristic of the clothes of a certain chinese minority group. undoubtedly, the costume has added oriental charm to her beautiful features. what the picture conveys goes far beyond merely a new fashion trend. instead, it carries cultural implications as well. the fact that people from different countries are attracted to mysterious chinese culture indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared internationally. in other words, a nation’s unique/distinctive culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. since the trend of globalization becomes irresistible, the increasing cultural exchanges can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship. it is my view that national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished. meanwhile, there are good reasons to advocate international culture for those ideas from the other cultures, controversial or even absurd at first sight, can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world in the long run. nevertheless, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side. only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our world multidimensional, colorful and vigorous. (221 words)?
3. 教育文明类:盛行文明:2006 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.137) directions:? study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should?? 1)describe the photos briefly;?? 2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and 3)give your point of view. ?图一:把崇拜写在脸上。
图二:花 300 元做个头。
as is vividly depicted in the photos above, beckham, the smart british football superstar, is enjoying a striking popularity among the adolescents. in the first picture, beckham’s name appears on a young man’s face. the caption indicates that worship for the idol is written on the face. in the second photograph, another young person is doing beckham’s chic hairstyle in a barbershop. we are informed that he is spending 300 yuan imitating his idol’s haircut.? undoubtedly, the pictures have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among the teenagers nowadays. beckham represents the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans. likewise, several teenage girls won their fame overnight in the 2005 super girl contest in china, which provoked nationwide noisy debates on the value and harm of admiring these idols. briefly speaking, young people are inclined to idolize the people who excel in appearance, intelligence or talent. hence, idolatry, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can exert profound influence on the growth of young people. if we simply worship the idols by imitating their hairstyle or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the obsession will certainly waste us a great deal of time and money, endangering the efficiency of our work. on the contrary, we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we endeavor to improve ourselves by bridging the gap between our models and us. accordingly, the latter attitude should be adopted to direct our way of life. (255 words)?
4、教育文明类:2006 年 mba 真题:(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.242) directions: in this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following diagram. describe the diagram and analyze the possible causes. you should write at least 150 words.

the diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of master of engineering (me) in the past seven years. according to the statistics given above, we may conclude that the recruitment of me was on a steady rise from 1998 to 2004. in 1998, the number was at a low level, only about 2,500. surprisingly, it reached to more than 35,000 in 2004 within no more than seven years.
some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. first and foremost, china has become particularly active in manufacturing, which leads to the increased demand of qualified engineers. in addition, the development of job market on the whole cannot keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which obliges a large number of students to stay on campus for another three years to get better prepared for their career. last but not least, working pressure is another reason. taking all these factors into account, we may predict that with speedy development of our society, the number of recruitment of me will keep growing in the forthcoming decade. on the other side of the coin, however, this tendency may bring about a good many problems, such as the waste of talent. it is necessary for us to take effective measures to ensure this situation doesn’t get out of hand, and encourage students to choose majors in which theoretical knowledge and practical skills will be demanded in the job market. (246 words)?
5、人生道理类:自傲:2007 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.140) directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should?
1) describe the drawing briefly,? ?2) explain its intended meaning, and then? ?3) support your view with an example/examples. ?
it is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon that a striker is preparing to shoot at the goal defended by a goalkeeper on a football field. in the goalkeeper’s mind, he is so much smaller than he actually is that guarding the goal becomes a mission impossible. on the contrary, the giant guard seems to fill up the whole goal in the attacking player’s mind. the purpose of the drawing is to show us that in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges or predicament, possessing self-confidence is of utmost significance. regardless of how much success one has had in school or at work, there are bound to be times when he or she will encounter problems. it is at these critical times that his self-confidence, towards difficulty and life in general, eventually plays a crucial role in determining whether he can turn failure into victory. i can think of no better illustration than the following one. helen keller was born deaf, dumb and blind, certainly nothing to give her self-confidence. nevertheless, she went on to conquer her multiple handicaps to finally become a writer and lecturer, to become an inspiration to all. this case effectively clarifies that no matter what tasks we are confronted with, we should never overestimate the difficulties or underestimate our abilities. ? ?
6. 教育文明类:教育:2013 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.147) directions:?? write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly. 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give you comments. ?as is vividly shown in the cartoon, for undergraduate college students, deciding what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision to say the least. for the vast majority of students, the choice is among finding a job, pursuing postgraduate studies, going abroad or starting one’s own business. and below the drawing, there is a topic which says: “choice”. when making this decision, students should consider a variety of factors, including their personal preferences, financial status and career plans. the first factor that they should consider is their own personal preferences. some students may have entrepreneurial ambitions and dream of running their own business. the second factor that undergraduate students should consider is their financial situation. some students or their families are able to support the tuition fees of postgraduate studies or studying overseas, while for others it would be too much of a financial strain. the final factor that students should take into account is their intended career. students who make the wrong choice could be faced with disappointing career prospects, or end up wasting their time and money. when it comes time for university graduates to decide their next step in life, there is no one right or wrong choice for everyone. rather, each student must reach his or her own conclusion. with due consideration of personal preferences, financial status and career goals, students can improve their chances of making an optimal choice. (236 words) ?7. 社会抢手类:两代联络:2014 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.157) directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should 1)?d escribe the drawing briefly, 2)?interpret its intended meaning, and 3)?give your comments. you should write neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)
in the first cartoon, three decades ago, along the road walked a young and vigorous mother, leading her beloved daughter hand in hand, with a sweet smile on her beautiful face. on the contrary, nowadays the daughter in the prime of her life is supporting her aged mother with her firm arm in the second portrayal. and below the drawing, there is a topic which says: “mutual support”. the aim of the picture is to illustrate that practicing filial piety is of great importance in our current society. for one thing, we have inherited this world from our parents and grandparents. if not for the hard work of the past generations, including the aged among us, the modern society that we enjoy today would not be possible. for another, the senior citizens have worked hard to provide for their families, for society and for younger generations. the majority of them have led struggles to create better living and working conditions for posterity. to sum up, it is tradition in china to respect the elderly and to take care of the young. it can be exemplified by giving up our seats on the bus for someone older, by inviting our parents to live with us once they retire, and listening to their advice about personal or work problems. although some of the chinese traditions are disappearing, one tradition should never fade away is that of looking after the elderly. (237 words)?
8.教育文明类:盛行文明:2015 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.160) directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. in your essay, you should? 1)?describe the picture briefly,?
2)interpret its intended meaning,
3)give your comments.?
you should write neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points) ?as is shown in the portrayal, four youngsters are sitting at a table, being ready to have dinner. unfortunately, instead of drinking and eating in front of a variety of delicious and nutritious dishes, each of them is holding a mobile phone and staring at the screen, with no thought of chatting or eating at all. we are informed: gathering in an era of mobile phone. like the internet, mobile phones benefit people hugely. with mobile phones, the home will become a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center. all transactions, from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically and all information, from train schedules to discount-price goods, will be as close as the press of a key. on the contrary, despite the increase in efficiency and convenience generated by digital products, the changes it brings could very well lead to potentially adverse consequence. for instance, as nearly all activities could be conducted on mobile phones, we could all become hermit-like, never feeling any need to leave the screen. this would be unfortunate because we will become so addicted to virtual world that we might never be exposed to social interaction. from the preceding discussion, it is readily apparent that mobile phone, as an increasingly popular form of communication among people, has both its upsides and downsides. to be sure, the mobile phone can be used by young people in productive and useful ways. however, the adolescents must be sure to limit the time they spend on digital products, or their academic work and social life will eventually pay the price. (262 words)?
9.社会抢手类:两代联络:2016 年真题(《2021 考研英语高分写作》p.162)?
directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. in your essay, you should?
1) describe the pictures briefly,?
2) interpret the meaning,
3) give your comments.?
you should write neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)? ?
in the pictures above are a father and his beloved son. in the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on tv and shouting, “son, study hard for me!” on the contrary, in the right portrayal, at 9 p.m. , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. the caption indicates, “instead of merely making a request, set an example.” the purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. on the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions than by their words. some of them may say to their children, “don’t say four-letter words about so and so”, but before long the children may hear them criticize their friends and neighbors with bad language. on the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. the only learning is the example from one’s own parents. to sum up, parents are the best teachers. obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict with their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. just as an old saying goes, “action speaks louder than words.” (220 words)?
10、人生道理类:行为:2021 年真题(《 2021 考研英语高分写作》p.164)?
directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. in your essay, you should?
1) describe the pictures briefly,?
2) interpret the meaning,
3) give your comments.?
you should write neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)? ?
in the cartoons above are two men treating books in completely diverse ways. in the first caricature, facing hundreds of books on the shelf, a man is speaking proudly, “i have so many books!” on the contrary, in the second drawing, facing merely one book on the desk, another person is talking to himself, “i will exert my effort to finish reading 20 books this year.” we are informed: “owning books and reading books”. the aim of the portrayals is to show us that action speaks louder than words. ambition is nothing without action, whereas action is perfectly possible without ambition as is evidenced by impulsive people. let us consider for instance leonardo da vinci. in his life he created many brilliant works of art and invented many machines that surpassed the technology of his time, such as the helicopter. if he had only been an ambitious man, he would have no doubt left us with nice artifacts. yet, da vinci was a man of action who could not sit still, so he produced a dazzling legacy of painting and inventions. generally speaking, ambition and action are both essential in determining whether we flourish or fall behind. the former gives us the drive and direction to move forward, while the latter enables us to implement our vision and make things happen. just as the famous british philosopher john locke said, “the actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts”. (241 words)
咱们可以看出跟着商业捕鱼的添加,鱼的数量显着降低。在一幅图中,1900 年有许多种鱼,只需一艘捕鱼船。相反,在 1995 年,只需一条鱼,可是渔船许多。 这些图像的意图是告诉咱们大约充分注重海洋本钱的削减。因为过渡捕捉,鱼的数量 显着降低。假定咱们让这种情况听之任之,咱们不晓得鱼的将来在哪。到那个时分,咱们的 环境将遭受无量的损坏。 因而,咱们很有必要采纳严肃办法。一方面,咱们大约呼吁政府拟定严肃的法令控制商 业捕鱼。另一方面,咱们大约前进我们的知道:海洋本钱对咱们非常重要。只需这样才干保 护咱们的海洋本钱。一起,我认为咱们人类可以战胜这个困难,并将具有夸姣的将来。 2、 这幅图像生动描绘了一位心爱的美国小女生身穿传统的我国服装,面带甜美的浅笑。 她戴着具有某个我国少量民族服饰特征的发带、项圈和其他装饰品。毫无疑问,这套服装为 她秀丽的表面添加了东方的魅力。 这幅图像所表达的远远不只是一种新的时髦潮流。反之,它还具有文明内在。奇妙的 我国文明招引了各国公民这一实际标明,在某种程度上一种文明可以在世界规模内被承受、 尊敬、赏识和共享。换言之,一个民族一起的文明可以经过全球性的经济和文明交流走向世 界。因为全球化潮流不可以阻挡,所以日益频频的文明交流可以有用增进彼此间的了解和友谊。?在我看来,咱们大约保存和珍惜作为无价精力财富的民族文明。一起,咱们很有必要推 广世界文明,因为来自其他文明的观念,即便乍看起来彼此敌对甚至很荒诞,但从长远看来, 可认为咱们调查这个世界供给一种不一样的视角。可是,在咱们面临不一样文明时,大约充溢理 智地取其精华、去其糟粕。只需这样咱们才干活泼打开民族文明,并使咱们的世界丰厚多元、 多姿多彩、充溢活力。 3、 以上的相片生动地闪现出来,容颜帅气的英国足球巨星贝克汉姆在年青人中广受等待。 在第一张相片中,贝克汉姆的名字呈如今一个年青人的脑门上。文字标明:对偶像的崇拜写 在了脸上。在第二张相片中,这个年青人正有理发店中做贝克汉姆的时髦发型。咱们得到的 信息是他正花 300 元来仿照偶像的发式。 毫无疑问,相片奇妙地反映了这样一个社会表象:偶像崇拜当前在青年人中非常盛行。 贝克汉姆代表了体育界英豪的形象,他的帅气表面以及高超的球技正是球迷们热心追捧的。 相同,2005 年我国举办的“超级女人”大赛中,几个十几岁的女孩一夜成名。环绕着崇拜 这些偶像的意义和损害,这个作业激起了全国性的争论。总之,青年人一般简略崇拜那些在 表面、才调和特长方面极端超卓的人。 在我看来,偶像崇拜这个发人沉思的社会表象,其实是把双刃剑,可以深化影响青年人 生长。假定咱们只是靠仿照偶像发型或追逐时髦的方法来崇拜他们,这种痴迷将必定浪费我 们许多的金钱和时刻,影响咱们的作业功率。相反,假定咱们靠抵偿咱们和榜样之间的间隔 来尽力前进自个,咱们就会过一种活泼和收成显着的日子。因而,咱们应当采纳后边一种态 度来指引咱们的人生。 4、 上述图标理解提示了曩昔七年在工程硕士招生选择人数急剧增加。根据上面给出的数 据,咱们可以得出结论:从 1998 到 2004 年,工程硕士招生选择人数稳步增加。1998 年, 招生人数较少,只需大约 2500 人。令人惊奇的是,到 2004 年招生人数在不到七年的时刻里 抵达 3.5 万人以上。 促进上述改变的一些首要缘由可以归纳如下。首要,我国在制造业方面现已变得异常 活泼,这使得对高本质工程师的需要增加。此外,作业商场的全体打开无法跟上大学结业生 人数的添加,这促进许多学生在学校里再呆三年时刻,为作业做非常好的预备。最终,作业压力是另外一个缘由。思考到一切这些要素,咱们可以估计:跟着社会的灵敏打开,工程硕士 的招生人数在将来十年将会持续添加。 可是,疑问的另一方面,这种趋势可以带来许多疑问,例如人才的浪费。咱们有必要采纳 有用的办法保证这一情况不会失控,一起鼓舞学生们选择那些在作业商场上需要的既有理论 常识又有实习技能的专业。 5、 这幅漫画生动描绘了足球场上的一名前锋正预备将球射入守门员看守的球门。在守门员 看来,比起实践的身段自个渺小许多,致使于守门变成一个不可以能结束的使命。反之,在那 名前锋眼里,这位巨人守门员如同占有了整个球门。 这幅漫画的意图是告诉咱们在看似不可以战胜的应战与窘境面前,最重要的是具有自傲。 不管一自个在学校或作业中早年如何成功,总有一天他会遭罹难题。要害时刻,正是他对困 难和人生的自傲究竟抉择他能否反败为胜。 没有啥比下面的比方更有说服力。海伦·凯勒天然生成聋哑失明,没啥可以让她自傲。 但她不断战胜多种妨碍,究竟变成一名作家和教师,变成世人的榜样。这个比方理解证明晰 不管面临何种使命,咱们决不能高估困难或小看自个的才能。 6、 如图所示,关于本科生来说,抉择结业之后做啥毫不夸大地说是一个困难的选择。大 大都学生都在求职、考研、出国和创业之间徜徉。在漫画下面,小标题闪现:“选择”。 在做抉择的时分,学生大约思考许多要素,包括自个偏好、经济情况及作业方案。大学 生第一个要思考的就是自个的自个偏好。有些学生期望变成公司家,愿望具有自个的公司。 第二个要思考的要素就是自个的经济条件。有些学生自个或家里可以担负考研或出国的学 费,而对有些人来说这些费用是一项沉重的担负。大学生所需要思考的最终一个要素就是自 己的期望作业。差错的抉择会让你面临着绝望的作业前景,或是到头来浪费了时刻和金钱。
?大学结业之际,每自个在抉择人生中的下一步时无所谓对和错。更恰当地说,每个学生 有必要给出归于自个的结论。大学生归纳思考自个偏好、经济情况及作业方针,就更有可以做 出最优的选择。 7、 在图一中,三十年前,一位年青活力的母亲走在路上,手拉手领着她心爱的女儿,秀丽 的脸上带着甜美的浅笑。相反,在图二中,如今正值芳华的女儿正在用坚决的胳膊搀扶着年 迈的母亲。图像下方小标题闪现:“相携”。 这幅漫画的意图是告诉咱们奉行孝道在咱们今世社会中非常重要。首要,咱们从父母和 祖父母那里继承了这个世界。假定没有包括咱们老人在内的曩昔几代人的尽力作业,咱们今 天不可以能享受这个现代社会。此外,晚年人尽力作业来养活他们的家庭、社会以及年青一代。 他们中的大大都人尽力斗争来为下一代创造非常好的日子和作业条件。 总之,尊老爱幼是我国人的传统。咱们可以在公交车上把坐位让给晚年人,父母退休之 后聘请他们和咱们同住,而且倾听他们关于自个或作业疑问的主张。尽管一些我国的传统正 在不见,但一个传统永久不该不见:那就是照看老人。 8. 如图所示,四个年青人坐在桌旁预备吃饭。意外的是,面临许多甘旨养分的饭菜,他们 并未吃喝,而是每人拿着一只手机盯着屏幕,一点点不想谈天或吃饭。咱们得知:“手机年代 的集会”。 和网络相同,手机给我们带来了无量的优点。有了手机,家里就成了图书馆、学校、办 公室,甚至是游乐中心。一切生意,从跑银行到买东西,都可以经过手机来结束;一切信息, 从火车时刻表到折价产品目录,只需轻按键盘就能看到。可是,尽管数码产品带来这么高的
功率和这么多的便利,它带来的改变也很有可以构成潜在的不良成果。例如,因为几乎一切 的活动都可以在手机前进行,咱们就可以像山人那样,感到没有必要脱离家。这将是意外的, 因为咱们将完全沉溺于手机,致使于可以再也不会进行社会交际。 在上述谈论中清楚明晰的是:手机作为我们之间愈加盛行的交流方法,既有利益也存在 缺乏。当然,年青人运用手机能做许多有利的作业,但我们必需要控制运用数码产品的时刻, 否则他们会耽搁学业和交际,究竟为此付出价值。 9. 上述图像描绘了一位父亲和他亲爱的儿子。在左面的漫画中,这位父亲叼着一根卷烟, 舒畅地坐在沙发上,正在看电视上的一场足球赛,一起大喊:“儿子,你给我好好学习。”相 反,在右边的漫画中,晚上九点,这位父亲还在和儿子一同学习,都专心于它们各自的书本。 文字阐明闪现:“与其只概需求,不如做个榜样。” 这些漫画的意图是告诉咱们大约充分注重一马抢先的重要性。一方面,父母们教育孩 子,更多的是用行为,而不是用言语。家长或许会对孩子说:“不要说脏话。”但没过多久孩 子却可以听到他们在用脏话批判兄弟和邻居。另一方面,抚育子孙是一项非常重要的责任, 但究竟该怎样为人父母,却没有现成的必修课可学。仅有的学习就是仿照自个的父母。 总之,父母是最佳的教师。清楚明晰,假定父母们言行共同,他们就有机缘变成孩子们 超卓的榜样。正如谚语所说:“行胜于言。” 10. 上述图像中有两自个以完全不一样的情绪对待读书。在第一幅漫画中,一自个面临着书架 上成百上千本书,骄傲地说:“我有这么多书!”相反,在第二幅漫画中,另一自个只面临桌 上仅有一本书,喃喃自语:“我争夺本年读完 20 本书”。 这些漫画的意图是告诉咱们行为胜于言语。假定不付诸行为,宏愿就毫无意义;可是如 果没有宏愿,行为却很有可以存在,这一点可以在那些受豪情教唆的人中得以证明。以莱昂 纳多·达·芬奇为例。在终身中,他创造了许多超卓的艺术作品,并创造了许多跨越其年代 技能的机器,比方直升飞机。假定他只是是一个有宏愿的人,那么毫无疑问,他为后人留下 的恐怕只是一些夸姣的艺术品。可是,作为一个讲务实干的人,达·芬奇为咱们创造了像绘 画作品、科学创造之类的灿烂遗产。 总之,宏愿和行为都是抉择咱们成功与否的重要要素。前者给予咱们行进的动力和方向, 后者使咱们可以活泼主动地完成期望。正如英国哲学家约翰·洛克所说:“行为是思维的最 好诠释者”。
