
1?听不理解疑问,想再听一遍疑问怎么办???考生答复:i am sorry. i didn’t get this question. could you say it again?2?信号不好,没听理解,怎么办???考生答复:i am sorry. this signal is so poor that i couldn’t hear this question clearly. could you say it again?3?听懂教师疑问,不太会答复怎么办??考生答复:well, it is hard for me to answer this question. but

i will try my best to elaborate this.4?教师重复了一遍疑问,你仍是不会,怎么办??考生答复:i am sorry. i couldn’t understand this question. could you give me another question???紧记??不要要请教师做太多,以及,找许多托言,直接说出来会仍是不会,其实,能让教师感触你最少很诚笃。@学校薯 @常识薯
