

原文期刊:?the guardian《卫报》


?the guardian view on critics: thin-skinned artists beware

本文来源2019.04.26 the guardian《卫报》the guardian view on critics: thin-skinned artists beware(《卫报》看评论家:易怒的艺术家要当心)。主题:艺术家和评论家之争历来就有,但评论家可发表独立评论且具备专业知识和经验,其重要性在网络时代有增无减,应鼓励其存在。



part 1


i? ? ? critics who don’t themselves make music “should be unemployed”, the american rapper lizzo tweeted to her 222,000 followers this week. the star was reacting angrily to an unflattering, though far from hostile, review ?of her new album. the battle between offended artist and critic is a well-established one. though the medium has changed, lizzo’s message was a striking echo of a furious telegram ?displayed in a new british library exhibition. its sender, the playwright john osborne, complained that a reviewer did not understand creation.

ii? ? ?but lizzo was wrong about this. publishers, studios and artists have always been publicists as well as creators. independent voices offer a crucial counterweight. critics help people determine which music, tv, books and plays to spend their time and money on, and to make the most of those choices. the internet has made it easier to sample culture, while social media has vastly increased the range of word of mouth. but in our age of algorithmically generated recommendations, this curatorial role has arguably become more important.

iii? ?judgments, whether of opera or soap opera, are subjective. what is considered beautiful or interesting depends on perspective. but knowledge and experience, whether of folk music or science fiction, matter. a person who has been reading poetry for decades, or has seen a play many times, will be able to tell you things about a new poem or performance that others can’t—even, sometimes, their creators.

iv? ? disagreement is healthy. artists are free to take issue with critics. the internet was supposed to make this whole process more democratic and open, since comment threads and websites could publish far more opinions than the printed pages of old. the wisdom of the crowd, in all its diversity, would enhance that of the traditional gatekeepers.

v? ? ?this partly worked. it is much easier to access a range of views than it used to be. lively arguments about talked-about shows can quickly spread. but social media also provides a platform for performers to reveal their thin skins, or for armies of fans to descend upon anyone who dares to dislike a favoured star or film. justin bieber’s outburst this week, after he was criticised on a talk show for lip synching in an appearance at the coachella festival, suggested an alarming degree of sensitivity.

vi? ? the malevolent critic, motivated by envy of creativity, is a tired trope kept alive for the benefit of the artists it flatters. true, reviewers can be gratuitously mean. criticism is the exercise of judgment, and this applies to what is said but also how and to whom; as a rule, novices should be treated more gently. yet performers and others who resent harsh words should be careful what they wish for. critics are part of the proof that culture matters.

part 2


1.?critic ?[?kr?t?k]?n. 批评家,评论家

2.?unflattering ?[?n?fl?t?r??]?a. 不恭维的

3.?review ?[r??vju?]?n. 评论

4.?counterweight ?[?ka?nt?we?t]?n. 抗衡

5.?sample ?[?sɑ?mpl]?v. 体验

6.?word of mouth口碑

7.?take issue with开始与某人争论

8.?wisdom of the crowd 群体智慧

9.?thin skin薄脸皮,敏感

10.?curatorial ?[,kj?r?’tor??l]?a. 监管人的

11.?malevolent ?[m??lev?l?nt]?a. 恶毒的

12.?tired trope ?n. 传统观念,陈词滥调

13.?gratuitously [ɡr??tju??t?sli]?ad. 无缘无故地?

part 3


i? ? ?critics who don’t themselves make music “should be unemployed”, the american rapper lizzo tweeted to her 222,000 followers this week. the star was reacting angrily to an unflattering, though far from hostile, review ?of her new album. the battle between offended artist and critic is a well-established one. though the medium has changed, lizzo’s message was a striking echo of a furious telegram ?displayed in a new british library exhibition. its sender, the playwright john osborne, complained that a reviewer did not understand creation.



主要逻辑衔接:先以新近事件“美国歌手发文还击评论家批评”点明话题“艺术家与评论家之战”,再以历史事件“英国剧作家在电报中抱怨评论家”说明二者敌对自古有之。the battle点明艺术家与评论家之敌对关系,a well-established one凸显该敌对由来已久。


ii? ? ??but lizzo was wrong about this. publishers, studios and artists have always been publicists as well as creators. independent voices offer a crucial counterweight. critics help people determine which music, tv, books and plays to spend their time and money on, and to make the most of those choices. the internet has made it easier to sample culture, while social media has vastly increased the range of word of mouth. but in our age of algorithmically generated recommendations, this curatorial role has arguably become more important.

[翻译】但利佐在此事上的做法是错误的。一直以来,出版商、电影公司和艺术家都既是创作者又是宣传者。独立的声音则是一种至关重要的抗衡力量。评论家 助人们就“把时间和金钱花在哪些音乐、电视、书籍或戏剧上”做出决定,并 他们从中获得最大的收益。互联网已使得体验文化更易行,同时社交媒体已极大地扩展了口碑的可及范围。但在我们这个算法生成推荐的时代,(评论家)这一监护人角色可以说已变得愈发重要。


主要逻辑衔接:段落整体以independent voices offer…critics help… this curatorial role…论述评论家的重要地位。首句but引出作者评论;第二至四句以“艺术家(既是创作者又是宣传者)vs评论家(具备独立性)”对比说明,评论家可 助大众挑选作品;末两句进一步指出,在算法推荐的互联网时代,评论家的这种专业评议角色愈发重要。

核心关键词:more important

iii? ? ?judgments, whether of opera or soap opera, are subjective. what is considered beauti

ful or interesting depends on perspective. but knowledge and experience, whether of folk music or science fiction, matter. a person who has been reading poetry for decades, or has seen a play many times, will be able to tell you things about a new poem or performance that others can’t—even, sometimes, their creators.



主要逻辑衔接:judgments紧承上段末句,深入阐释评议过程:先指出因各人视角(perspective)不同,评论难免主观,再以but转折强调评论家具备的知识和经验关系重大。末句tell you things about a new poem or performance具体说明知识与经验的作用,破折号后表明评论家对作品的了解甚至可胜过艺术家,突出评论家价值。

核心关键词:knowledge and experience

iv? ? disagreement is healthy. artists are free to take issue with critics. the internet was supposed to make this whole process more democratic and open, since comment threads and websites could publish far more opinions than the printed pages of old. the wisdom of the crowd, in all its diversity, would enhance that of the traditional gatekeepers.



主要逻辑衔接:段落整体以disagreement is…the internet was supposed to make this whole process…聚焦网络时代争论。首二句healthy、free点明争论正常合理,第三、四句进一步阐释互联网对此争论过程的影响:三个比较表达more democratic and open, far more opinions, enhance that of the traditional gatekeepers突出互联网对传统争论益处的放大作用。

核心关键词:more democratic and open

?v? ? ??this partly worked. it is much easier to access a range of views than it used to be. lively arguments about talked-about shows can quickly spread. but social media also provides a platform for performers to reveal their thin skins, or for armies of fans to descend upon anyone who dares to dislike a favoured star or film. justin bieber’s outburst this week, after he was criticised on a talk show for lip synching in an appearance at the coachella festival, suggested an alarming degree of sensitivity.



主要逻辑衔接:首句代词this回指上段“互联网对争论的促进作用”,引出对此益处的进一步阐释。第二、三句easier, quickly具体说明该益处。第四、五句but…also引发转折,揭示互联网对争论过程的不良影响:thin skins、sensitivity表明明星/艺术家对评论意见的过分敏感,即社交媒体为此种“易怒性”提供了展示平台。

核心关键词:thin skins/sensitivity

vi? ? the malevolent critic, motivated by envy of creativity, is a tired trope kept alive for the benefit of the artists it flatters. true, reviewers can be gratuitously mean. criticism is the exercise of judgment, and this applies to what is said but also how and to whom; as a rule, novices should be treated more gently. yet performers and others who resent harsh words should be careful what they wish for. critics are part of the proof that culture matters.



主要逻辑衔接:前三句以近义复现(the malevolent critic, reviewers can be gratuitously mean, criticism)围绕评论家的刻薄展开,指出这只是其专业所需和风格选择,并无恶意。第四、五句以yet转折,批驳艺术家对评论家的不当态度,并肯定评论家的重要文化价值。

核心关键词:culture matters

