1997年考研英语阅览真题及解析【第四篇】 – 哔哩哔哩(1997年考研英语第四篇阅读答案)

passage4注解:标题为赤色,翻译为蓝色,分析为绿色。? ? ? ?no company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation.senator robert dole asked time warner executives last week.【第23题】you have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?s a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.
? ? ???at the core of this debate is chairman gerald levin,56, who took over for the late steve ross【第24题】 in 1992. on the financial front, levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce the companys mountainous debt, which will increase to $ 17.3 billion after two new cable deals close. he has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but investors are waiting impatiently.
? ? ??the flap over rap is not making life any easier for him. levin has consistently defended the company? ??
? ? ? ???levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hard-line stand【第25题】, at least to some extent. during the discussion of rock singing verses at last month between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.
? ? ?? ?th

e 15-member time warner board is generally supportive of levin and his corporate strategy. but insiders say several of them have shown their concerns in this matter.


? ? ? ? 这是一篇关于群众传媒体裁的文章。全文首要叙说了美国闻名年代华纳公司面临的社会道德方面的责备。文章在写作上以叙说为主,谈论为辅,必要时引证了一些当事人的话加以证明。
? ? ? ? 第一段:引证参议员的话阐明年代华纳公司正在遭受言辞呵斥这一实际,并指出这是公司自我反省的一种体现。
? ? ? ? 第二段、第三段:扼要介绍了言辞呵斥的核心分子——年代华纳董事长列文所面临的窘境?姆从?一是关于来自公司财务方面的压力;二是关于大众对说唱音乐的责备。
? ? ? ? ?第四段:指出列文的强硬情绪有所陡峭偏重例阐明。
? ? ? ? ?第五段:指出董事会的情绪,并引证一位董事的话阐明他们的担忧。

23.senator robert dole criticized time warner for.
[a]its raising of the corporate stock price
[b]its self-examination of soul
[c]its neglect of social responsibility
[d]its emphasis on creative freedom

24. according to the passage, which of the following is true?
[a] luce is a spokesman of time warner.
[b] gerald levin is liable to compromise.
[c] time warner is united as one in the face of the debate.
[d] steve ross is no longer alive.

25. in face of the recent attacks on the company, the chairman .
[a]stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression
[b]softened his tone and adopted some new policy
[c]changed his attitude and yielded to objection
[d]received more support from the 15-member board

26.the best title for this passage might be.
[a]acompany under fire
[b]a debate on moral decline
[c]alawful outlet of street culture
[d]a form of creative freedom
(4)contribute(v.)(to)奉献,捐助,捐赠;投稿;contribution(n.)奉献,捐赠物;contribute to促进,有助于
三、阅览答案:c d b a
? ? ? ?没有一家公司愿意听到别人说自个致使了社会的道德损坏。参议员罗伯特·多尔上星期责问年代—华纳公司打点人员时说:“莫非这就是你们要作用的作业吗?你们现已出卖了自个的魂灵,莫非还非要损坏咱们的国家、挟制咱们的孩子不成?”不过,关于树立于1990年的年代—华纳而言,这样的责问只是是公司进行反思的最新体现,是一种自我反省,在不一样年代已触及到责任、创造安适和公司底线等不一样疑问。(长难句①)
? ? ? ?56岁的现任董事长杰拉德·列文是争论的焦点人物,他于1992年替代已故董事长斯蒂夫·罗斯。财务方面,他承受着使股价增值,削减公司巨额债款的压力。在两笔新的有线电视生意谈妥后,公司债款将抵达173亿美元。他也许诺出售有些资产并对公司进行重组,但如今出资者们仍在着急地等候着。
? ? ? ?我们对说唱音乐的焦虑并没使他的日子好过一些。列文一贯以体现方法为理由来保卫公司的说唱音乐。1992年公司因出品ice-t乐队暴力的说歌唱曲《差人杀手》后倍受呵斥时,列文却将说唱音乐描绘为街头文明的合法表达方法,并说它大约有自个的发泄途径。他在《华尔街日报》一篇专栏文章中写道:“对任何一个民主社会的查验,不在于它能多有用的控制情感的表达,而在所以不是给予了我们最广泛的思考和表达安适,尽管有时这种成果会致使争论和愤恨。咱们不会在任何挟制面前退避。”(长难句②)
? ? ? ? 列文不愿对上星期的争辩做任何谈论,但有痕迹标明,这位明理长至少在某种程度上扔掉了自个强硬的情绪。(佳句)在上个月就摇滚乐的歌词进行谈论的股东会议上,列文声称“音乐不是社会疑问的病因”,他甚至还以自个的儿子为例,他儿子是纽约州布朗克斯的一名教师,上课时用说唱的方法与学生进行交流。(长难句③)但他也谈到了创造安适和社会责任之间要“保相等衡”的疑问,还宣告对一些可以令人恶感的音乐,公司将尽力于拟定一套发行和标识的标准。?
? ? ? ? ?一般来说,年代—华纳公司的15位董事是撑持列文和他为公司拟定的运营战略的。但内部人士泄露其间几位对此事标明担忧。“咱们中的一些人多年来一向晓得,《宪法》第一批改案所规则的安适并非毫无捆绑”,鲁斯说,“我认为与公司有联络的一些人可以迩来才知道到这一点”。
