
原文标题:algorithms may outperform doctors, but they’re no healthcare panacea


part 1
i ①it perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise that matt hancock, the new health and social care secretary, made technology the theme of his first big speech in the new job. ②the former culture secretary is a renowned techenthusiastand was the first mp to launch his own app.

ii ①hancock is right that technology has great potential to improve the quality of our healthcare – and save moneyinto the bargain. ②but it won’t be apanacea,and it raises a number of issues our society must deal with now.

iii ①take artificial intelligence: there are already numerous examples of how it is enhancing the medical profession. ②examples include robot-assisted surgery,virtualnursing assistants that could reduce unnecessary hospital visits and lessen the burden on medical professionals, and technologies that enable independent living by identifying changes in usual behaviour which need medical assistance.

iv ①but ai also poses clear ethical challenges. ②until recently, patients would go to a doctor, explain their symptoms and the doctor would attempt to provide a diagnosis. ③but increasingly, patients now arrive having done their research online, all set to suggest on a diagnosis, to which the medic has to respond. ④doctors tell that this game of catch-up andpartialrole-reversal is alreadyskewingthe relationship of trust. ⑤in addition to this, we now havealgorithm-based diagnostics. ⑥this means medical knowledge is no longer based on what the doctor themselves has studied and learned.

v ①algorithms can support decision-making by medical professionals, and often outperform the doctor. ②we are seeing this with cancer detection, and other fields where close observation of the patient data can create much more precise and personalised medicine, and provide earlier diagnosis. ③for example, the analysis of an individual’s touchstrokeson their mobile phone could show up parkinson’s because their texting speed decreases over time.

vi ①as we start to see these possibilities asfantasticrather thanfantastical, we must also be aware of unintended consequences. ②what impact would doctors increasingly coming to rely on algorithms have on the body of medical knowledge? ③and how do wemitigatethe risk that algorithms may not be sufficiently sensitive to everything going on in a patient’s life? ④for example, a patient with a high level of anxiety and stress may suffer an impact that no machine is able to capture. ⑤algorithms will also have to be assessed to ensure they are not biased against certain groups, especially as they make decisions which may have very long-lasting consequences on individuals.

vii ①there are also ethical issues around the use of patient data. ②this allows us to study what we haven’t yet noticed, and deal with prevention and disease management in a very different way. ③we will be able to identify medical conditions way before we do now by collecting a huge amount of data, including on people’s habits, and thus be able to put in place prevention mechanisms for children and family members. ④but patients must have a say in how their data is used. ⑤the fact that something is possible from a technical perspective does not mean we must do it. ⑥ultimately, patients will need to decide if and to what extent they want to be observed and predicted, and how they want their personal information to be used. ⑦atick-box exercisewill notsuffice, ascompliancewon’t be enough when it comes to confidence and trust in the machine.

viii ①there are lots of challenges ahead for ai. ②thetrickiestis getting the ethics right. ③machines are machines and we must not humanise them. ④when we bring them in, it must be to enhance our humanity – and this can only be done if both patients and doctors are engaged to help shape the future of medicine.

part 2
1.enthusiast /?n’θuz??st/ n. 张狂者
2.into the bargain 再者,此外
3.*panacea /,p?n?’si?/ n. 灵丹妙药,万能药
4.virtual /?v?:t?u?l/ a. 虚拟的
5.partial /’pɑr??l/ a. 有些的;不公正的
6.*skew /skju?/ v. 使倾斜
7.*algorithm /’?lg?r?e?m/ v. 算法
8.stroke /str??k/ n. 笔画;一笔
9.fantastic /f?n’t?st?k/ a. 极好的;幻想的
10.fantastical /f?n’t?stik?l/ a. 幻想的
11.*mitigate /’m?t?ge?t/ v. 陡峭;减轻
12.suffice /s?’fa?s/ v. 满足
13.*compliance /k?m’pla??ns/ n. 依从,遵守
14.tricky /’tr?k?/ a. 扎手的

part 3
i ①it perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise that matt hancock, the new health and social care secretary, made technology the theme of his first big speech in the new job. ②the former culture secretary is a renowned techenthusiastand was the first mp to launch his own app.

ii ①hancock is right that technology has great potential to improve the quality of our healthcare – and save moneyinto the bargain. ②but it won’t be apanacea, and it raises a number of issues our society must deal with now.

iii ①take artificial intelligence: there are already numerous examples of how it is enhancing the medical profession. ②examples include robot-assisted surgery,virtualnursing assistants that could reduce unnecessary hospital visits and lessen the burden on medical professionals, and technologies that enable independent living by identifying changes in usual behaviour which need medical assistance.

iv ①but ai also poses clear ethical challenges. ②until recently, patients would go to a doctor, explain their symptoms and the doctor would attempt to provide a diagnosis. ③but increasingly, patients now arrive having done their research online, all set to suggest on a diagnosis, to which the medic has to respond. ④doctors tell that this game of catch-up andpartialrole-reversal is alreadyskewingthe relationship of trust. ⑤in addition to this, we now havealgorithm-based d

iagnostics. ⑥this means medical knowledge is no longer based on what the doctor themselves has studied and learned.

v ①algorithms can support decision-making by medical professionals, and often outperform the doctor. ②we are seeing this with cancer detection, and other fields where close observation of the patient data can create much more precise and personalised medicine, and provide earlier diagnosis. ③for example, the analysis of an individual’s touchstrokeson their mobile phone could show up parkinson’s because their texting speed decreases over time.

vi ①as we start to see these possibilities asfantasticrather thanfantastical, we must also be aware of unintended consequences. ②what impact would doctors increasingly coming to rely on algorithms have on the body of medical knowledge? ③and how do wemitigatethe risk that algorithms may not be sufficiently sensitive to everything going on in a patient’s life? ④for example, a patient with a high level of anxiety and stress may suffer an impact that no machine is able to capture. ⑤algorithms will also have to be assessed to ensure they are not biased against certain groups, especially as they make decisions which may have very long-lasting consequences on individuals.

vii ①there are also ethical issues around the use of patient data. ②this allows us to study what we haven’t yet noticed, and deal with prevention and disease management in a very different way. ③we will be able to identify medical conditions way before we do now by collecting a huge amount of data, including on people’s habits, and thus be able to put in place prevention mechanisms for children and family members. ④but patients must have a say in how their data is used. ⑤the fact that something is possible from a technical perspective does not mean we must do it. ⑥ultimately, patients will need to decide if and to what extent they want to be observed and predicted, and how they want their personal information to be used. ⑦atick-box exercisewill notsuffice, ascompliancewon’t be enough when it comes to confidence and trust in the machine.
注释:tick-box 打勾框,tick-box exercise操练在方框里打勾,可以引申为强行做某事。

viii ①there are lots of challenges ahead for ai. ②thetrickiestis getting the ethics right. ③machines are machines and we must not humanise them. ④when we bring them in, it must be to enhance our humanity – and this can only be done if both patients and doctors are engaged to help shape the future of medicine.



