


一、Where are you come from?二、What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?三、Could you tell me something about your family?四、Whoisthemostimportantpersoninyourfamily?五、Doesyournamehaveanyspecialmeaning?六、Whatistheclimatelikeinyourhometown?七、Tellmesomethingaboutthecustomsofyourhometown?八、Does

your family support your decision on studying?九、What do your parents do?等等。这种问题重要就是领会一下你的故乡环境和家庭环境,属于小我布景。


一、What impressed you most when you were at university?二、How to evaluate your English?三、What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies?四、Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons,please。五、What do you think have been the

most important changes in your study field over the past 3 years?六、Could you tell me something about your university?七、Give me a su妹妹ary of your college life.八、How was your academic record in college?九、How many points did you take in Level 4 and Level 6?十、How to evaluate your English?十一、What is your graduation design about?Do you have a plan?1二、What do you think of your major?1三、What frustrations do you encountered during college?1四、Why do you choose this major, not your own major?1五、Whichkindofprofessordoyoulikebest?1六、What books have you read?1七、Whatqualificationshaveyouobtained?1八、Why did you choose our university?1九、Whatareyourfavoritesubjects?20、Haveyoueverworkedduringthevacation?等等这种问题就是领会一下你的本科环境、本科时代的进修及乐趣快乐喜爱等。


一、What do you intend to do after you finish studying?二、What is important to you?三、What are you greatest weakness/ strengths?四、How would your friends or colleagues describe you?五、What is your strongest trait(s)?六、What are your Goals?七、What do you do in the face of difficulties?八、Are you an happy person?九、What would you do if you failed this time?十、Why do you leave your last job?十一、Could you describe your last job?1二、What do you think about education and ability?1三、Whatareyoursparetimeinterests?1四、DoyouthinkyouwillbeabletocopewithEnglish-demandsofyourintendedstudyprogram?1五、Whatkindsofpeopledoyoufinditdifficulttoworkwith?等等这种问题重要考查小我的一些设法、见解和人生计划。



