2021考研英语-小作文模板十篇 – 知乎(2021考研英语一国家线)



小作文1: 主张信
dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) i am a senior student majoring in german at british university.(2) i am glad to have the chance to illustrate my opinions on (主题词) .
(3) below are presented my submissions which embody two of the dominant factors.(4) to begin with, (第一个主张). experts in related fields have supported it and it is worth being accepted.(5) in addition, the gains (第二个主张)_ can offer us/you in what lies ahead will undoubtedly be marvelous.
(6) i do hope that you could treat my suggestions with careful deliberation.(7) i shall await a favorable response from you.
yours sincerely, li ming
中文翻译dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) 我是英国大学德语专业大四的学生。(2) 我非常高兴有机缘借此信阐明我对(主题词)的观点。期间二
(3) 以下是我的主张,首要体如今两个方面。(4) 首要,(第一个主张)。有关领域的专家对此标明撑持,认为它值得采用。
(5) 此外,(第二个主张),这个主张日后带来的优点必定会让人感到吃惊。 期间三
(6) 我期望您能稳重地思考、处置我的主张。(7) 期盼喜报。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文2: 举荐信、介绍信
dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) i am in charge of the student union at canadian university.(2) the reason why i write this letter is that i long to nominate/acquaint (主题词) to you.
(3) my introduction/recommendation is listed in the following as two essential parts.(4) primarily, (介绍/举荐的第一个内容) and people are in enthusiastic discussions on it, enjoying expressing their own opinion.(5) furthermore, (介绍/举荐的第二个内容). i love it so much and i would like to share it with all of my friends.
(6) i am grateful to you for your valuable time spent on my letter.(7) if you require any assistance, please feel free to contact me.
yours sincerely, li ming

dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) 我是加拿大大学学生会担任人。(2) 我写这封信是因为我想向你举荐/介绍(主题词)。
(3) 我的介绍/举荐如以下,包括两个重要的有些。(4) 首要,(介绍/举荐的第一个内容),我们正对此进行火热的谈论并愿意宣告自个的观点。(5) 其次,(介绍/举荐的第二个内容)。我非常喜爱它,而且将它共享给了一切兄弟。
(6) 我向您抽出名贵的时刻阅览我的来信致以深深的谢意。(7) 假定您需要协助,请随时与我联络。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文3: 聘请信

dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) i am a key member of the hobby club in university of birmingham.(2) this letter bears the purpose of sending you an invitation to(活动信息).
(3) for you to make arrangements, i will disclose details about this even.(4) first and most important, at the teaching building, the function will be hosted at 7:00 on thursday evening.(5) additionally, the event will be presented by a prominent unique guest.(6) lastly, a wonderful show is prepared for every guest after the event.
(7) your precious time spent on my letter is greatly appreciated.(8) it will make my day if you can find the time to attend.
yours sincerely, li ming
中文翻译dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) 我是伯明翰大学业余喜爱协会的首要成员。(2) 这封信的意图是诚挚地邀您前来(活动信息)。期间二
(3) 为了便利你拟定方案,我会告诉你这次活动的组织。(4) 首要,活动将在周四晚上7点在教师楼举办。(5) 此外,本次活动将由一位闻名嘉宾掌管。(6) 最终,在活动结束后,咱们为全体宾客预备了一场精彩的表演。
(7) 您能花时刻阅览这封信,我感谢不尽。(8) 假定有时刻到会,我会非常高兴。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文4: 问询信、求助信
dear sir/madam,
(1) i am the president of student union in western university.(2) this letter is a proper chance to get a few answers from you about (主题词).
(3) in the first place, (信息1), which weighs heavily on my mind and i attach great importance to it.(4) moreover, (信息2), which will for sure cast significant impact on my follow-up actions.(5) if you can send me pamphlets, i will gain a deeper understanding by reading them.
(6) i appreciate that you could take the time to read this letter.(7) i truly expect to hear from you as soon as possible.
yours sincerely, li ming
中文翻译dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) 我是西方大学学生会主席。(2) 这封信对我来说是一个适合机缘来向你寻求一些关于(主题词)的答复。期间二
(3) 首要,(信息1),我一向分外留心这一点,认为它至关重要。(4) 其次,(信息2),这必将对我的后续行为发生严峻影响。(5) 假定你能寄给我小册子,我将可以经过阅览加深了解。
(6) 我非常感谢您能抽出时刻阅览这封信。(7) 我诚心等待能从速收到您的来信。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文5: 投诉信
dear sir/madam,
(1) i am a third-year student studying chinese in nanyang university.(2) sorry to bother you, but i cant refrain from protesting to you about(主题词).
(3) i was annoyed about both of these two aspects listed below.(4) to start with, (理由1), directly resulting in serious consequences and countless follow-up inconvenience.(5) besides, the problems stay unresolved even though i have talked to your customer service staff for many times.(6) i sincerely hope that the issue i complain about can be dealt with promptly.
(7) your special attention paid to this letter is greatly appreciated.(8) i hope you can revert back to me at your earliest convenience!
yours sincerely, li ming
中文翻译dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) 我是南洋大学中文专业的大三学生。(2) 很抱愧打扰你,但我忍不住要向你投诉(主题词)。期间二
(3) 我对以下列出的两个方面非常动火。(4) 首要,(理由1),直接构成了接下来的严厉成果和许多不便利之处。(5) 其次,即便我和你们的客服人员谈了许多次,疑问仍是悬而未决。(6) 我真挚地期望我反应的疑问能从速得处处置。
(7) 您对这封函件的重视令我感谢不尽。(8) 我期望你能在便利的时分尽早给我答复。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文6: 抱愧信、辞去职务信
dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) i wish to suitably ask for your pardon/tender my resignation by the aid of this letter.(2) i must admit that i am very sorry about this dreadful event.
(3) primarily, because of (第一个理由), i have a lot of trouble sleeping at night.(4) in addition, what intensified the present situation and made issues more difficult to appropriately manage is that (第二理由).(5) by utilizing (具体处置方案) it is my desire to minimize the negative effect on you.
(6) one last time, i am sincerely apologizing to you.(7) it is my sincere hope that you can understand it.
yours sincerely, li ming
中文翻译dear sir/madam,
(1) 我写信是为了正式向你(抱愧或许辞去职务)。(2) 我有必要招认我对这个糟糕的成果感到非常抱愧。期间二
(3) 首要,因为(第一个理由),我晚上难以平稳入眠。(4) 另外,因为(第二理由),疑问晋级了,情况变得更扎手了。
(5) 我期望经过(具体处置方案)把对你的不良影响减到最小。 期间三
(6) 最终,我还要再一次真挚地向您抱愧。(7) 我真挚地期望能得到您的谅解。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文7: 求职信、请求信
dear sir/madam,
(1) i am a junior student majoring in architecture in washington state university.(2) this letter is a genuine declaration of my desire to apply for (主题词).
(3) i own lots of strong points that many are short of.(4) above all, i can effectively implement what i have aced in my formal studies in real life practices.(5) furthermore, all of my friends think i am diligent, optimistic and full of confidence.
(6) i appreciate that you could take the time to read this letter.(7) your brisk response in replying is what i hope for.
yours sincerely, li ming
中文翻译dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) 我是华盛顿大学建筑专业大三学生。(2) 您可以将这封信看作我为请求(主题词)所做出的真挚讲话。期间二
(3) 我身上具有许多人没有的利益。(4) 首要,我能将我在学习中通晓的常识有用地运用到往常实习中。(5) 此外,我一切的兄弟都认为我勤勉,旷达,充溢自傲。
(6) 我非常感谢您能抽出时刻阅览这封信。(7) 我期望你能从速回复。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文8: 谢谢信
dear sir/madam,
(1) your assistance was of immeasurable help and i am writing to give many thanks.(2) your opportune support was significant as it saved me from a vital situation.
(3) to start with, i am deeply moved by the way you show reverence to others when they are in need.(4) what’s more, your uplifting experience of success has given me a lot of inspiration in life and work.(5) finally, please allow me to do something in return for your help.
(6) no words can relay my thankfulness for your generous help,.(7) hopefully we could maintain close ties.
yours sincerely, li ming
dear sir/madam
(1) 您的忘我协助对我来说非常重要,我写这封信正是为了标明我的谢意。(2) 你及时的协助对我来说意义非常严峻,因为它协助我脱离了窘境。
(3) 首要,你秉持的善待别人的价值观会深深地感动并影响我。(4) 另外,在我的往常日子作业中,你的成功经历也给了我很大启示。(5) 最终,请答应我做点啥来酬谢你
(6) 关于你的大方协助,我无法用言语来表达我的感谢之情。(7) 期望咱们坚持紧密联络。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文9: 恭喜信
dear sir/madam, 期间一
(1) the news of (主题词) has pleased me very much.(2) hopefully, my heartfelt congratulations will get through you in this letter.
(3) as (主题词) is the first stage to success, there is nowhere for you to go but up.(4) i adore you because you achieve objectives with hard work and persistent sacrifice.(5) as the compass in my life, you will point me in the right direction when i feel frust

(6) please let me give you a round of applause again!(7) your frequent letters or calls will be my delights.
yours sincerely, li ming
dear sir/madam,
(1) (主题词)的这一消息让我非常开心。(2) 期望我能借这封信让你感遭到我真挚的恭喜。
(3) (主题词)是你成功的第一步,在将来的人活路途上你还会不断行进。(4) 我一向很敬仰你可认为自个的人生方针而锲而不舍地付出。(5) 作为我人生旅程中的攻略针,你能告诉我哪个才是正确的行进方向。
(6) 请答应我再次为你的体现拍手!(7) 随时给我写信或打电话,我将非常高兴。
yours sincerely, li ming

小作文10: 告诉、告示
(1) (活动称号)will be held at 2 p.m. thursday in the lecture hall.(2) in regard to this event, this notification has pertinent details
(3) as the part that (第一个信息) is most substantial, your main focus should be centered on it.(4) in addition, we will have a respectable guest to present the closing address.(5) finally, we will ask all the guests to take a memorable photo.
(6) we look forward to having you partaking enthusiastically.(7) if there is any place i can help, please contact me immediately.
the students union
(1) (活动称号)将于周四下午2点在讲演厅举办。(2) 该活动的具体信息可经过此告示得知。期间二
(3) 首要,最重要的消息是:(第一个信息),这需要您要点重视。(4) 其次,咱们将有请一位受人景仰的贵宾致闭幕词。
(5) 最终,咱们会请一切的客人一同合影留念。期间三
(6) 咱们等待能有您活泼参加进这次活动中。(7) 假定有任何我能协助的当地,请当即与我联络。
the students union
