

第一段, 开门见山地指出所针对的事情,介绍必要的背景,以及说明为什么要提建议。

常用句型:1. I’m writing this letter to you to express my concern about…

2. I’m writing to draw your attention to the issue of…

3. I’m glad to know that …has advanced considerably, but…

4. Therefore, personally/ on behalf of…, I put forward the following suggestions in the hope of/that …

第二段, 具体分点地提出自己的建议。

常用句型:1. First and foremost, it’s necessary to take immediate action to…. More importantly/What’s more, …should be encouraged to…. Apart from that/In addition, …be supposed to….

2. For one thing/On the one hand, it’s the best

idea to…. For another/On the other hand, …had better do ….in order to…

第三段, 希望对方接纳你的建议,并希望你的建议能起到帮助,同时说明如果对方有任何问题可以随时联系你。

常用句型:1. I will be highly grateful if you could take my advice into consideration.

2. I hope/believe my suggestions will contribute to/benefit …

3. I hope/believe you will find my suggestions/advice/proposals practical/useful/helpful.

4. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/need further information.

5. I’d appreciate it if you could kindly consider my advice …

